“When the public health emergency ends, state Medicaid officials face a huge job of reevaluating each person’s eligibility and connecting with people whose jobs, income, and housing might have been upended in the pandemic. People could lose their coverage if they earn too much […]
“On Jan. 1, the state handed control of its Medicaid drug program, known as Medi-Cal Rx, to Magellan Health, which is administering prescription drug coverage for California’s 14 million Medicaid patients. … But Magellan has tripped up implementation.” ‘Somebody Is Gonna Die’: Medi-Cal […]
Breaking News in Healthcare Reform “Across the country, elected officials and movement organizers have joined forces to make single payer a reality. And they’re building momentum.” States Now Hold the Key to Making Medicare for All a Reality Portside | Michael Lighty | […]
“Awarding a no-bid Medi-Cal contract to a statewide commercial plan with a track record of ‘cherry picking’ members and offering only limited behavioral health and community support benefits not only conflicts with the intent and goals of CalAIM but undermines publicly organized health care.” […]
California’s single-payer bill, AB 1400, did not get a critical vote on the Assembly floor on January 31, 2022. According to the bill’s main author, Assemblyman Ash Kalra, he did not have the votes to win and believed the best choice was to […]
“The Biden administration, which is sending 1 billion rapid covid tests to U.S. households, has been shipping long-term care facilities 2.5 million tests a week. But that supply has proved measly against omicron’s winter surge, which has fueled even greater infections among nursing home […]
Breaking News in Healthcare Reform “‘…the state can do more to reduce persistent racial and ethnic disparities, reduce or eliminate lack of health insurance and remove barriers to accessing health care,’ said Susan Babey, senior research scientist.” Despite Overall Gains in Health Coverage […]
“Insulin is the single most important resource in my life, and this is what I had to do to get it. But I know not everyone has my good fortune. I’ve interviewed the loved ones of people with Type 1 diabetes who could not […]
“Unlike a restaurant or a mechanic who won’t charge if someone gets tired of waiting for a table or an inspection of a rattling engine, hospital emergency rooms almost invariably charge patients as soon as they check in. And once they register, patients will […]