RIP Graham-Cassidy: Another Foiled Attack on Medicaid

Podcast of Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works, on Nurse Talk Media discussing the devastating impact that the Graham-Cassidy bill would have had on Medicaid.

As of September 26, 2017 at 7 am PDT, the bill appears to be headed for defeat according to CNN. Senators Susan Collins, John McCain and Rand Paul have stated they will vote “no.” Senator Ted Cruz also opposes the bill “as currently written.”

If Graham-Cassidy fails, we have to ask, “what’s next on the GOP playlist for health care?”

We already see a new strategy emerging. Let’s call it “Death By a Thousand Cuts.” Meaning “American deaths” caused by “a thousand budget cuts.”

Already the Trump Administration has

  • cut funding by nearly 50% to “navigator” programs that help people sign up for health insurance,
  • slashed funding for open enrollment advertising by 90%,
  • shut down for 12 hours on Sundays during open enrollment season,
  • shortened the enrollment period by 6 weeks.

It’s time the American people wake up! The GOP is not just attacking Medicaid. They are attacking us.

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!