Enough with the B.S.: Canada’s health care IS better!

A Canadian Doctor Explains How Her Country’s Single-Payer Health Care System Works

. . . While single-payer is defined and implemented differently in different countries, Danielle Martin, a Canadian physician, says there are a lot of misconceptions about how the plans work.

Martin, who is also vice president of medical affairs and health system solutions at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, talked with All Things Considered host Michel Martin about how the services in Canada are paid for by the public, but delivered, in large part, by private doctors.

On what single-payer means in Canada

. . . I am not an employee of the government. I deliver my services in a very similarly looking model to Americans physicians. But instead of billing a private insurance company or billing my patients directly, I simply bill the government plan. . .

On the issue of long wait times and physician availability

. . . I think its critical for people to know that when Canadians are seriously sick — when the issue is urgent — they don’t wait. So this myth that people are sort of dying in the streets, waiting for care is just that is just that — a myth. . .

On whether single-payer systems create a taxation burden

. . . When we compare country to country, I think it’s important that we do a complete arithmetic, and that in addition to considering taxation rates, we need to consider what Canadians are getting for their tax dollars, and what they’re not having to pay for in terms of the private insurance market. . .

. . . the more important question is how much you pay via taxes . . . plus out-of-pocket, plus for private insurance, and who’s in and who’s left out, and who’s at risk of not having coverage when they need it most. The last thing you need when you’re sick is to be worried on top of your illness, about how you are going to pay for your care.

Read more . . . 


Americans have been fed a line of bull for so long, the lies are embedded in our consciousness.

“Socialized medicine,” “government-run healthcare,” “dying on waiting lists” and so forth are examples of deliberate, calculated mischaracterizations of single-payer healthcare designed to scare us.

We are grateful to Dr. Danielle Martin for clearly debunking these lies, which she diplomatically calls “myths.”

But there are other “myths” as well, just as untrue as the ones Dr. Martin addresses:

  • Single-payer is not feasible. 
    • While it’s true that the winners in our current system – the health insurers and especially Big Pharma – will spend a mind-boggling amount of money to frighten us, every day more and more Americans are seeing through the lies.
  • Single-payer costs more than what we’re paying now.
    • This “myth” is startlingly brazen. The fact is, it is easily proven that the US corporate health insurance system is the most expensive in the entire world. In the US, savings from establishing a single-payer system are estimated to exceed $500 billion a year. In California, implementing SB 562, The Healthy California Act, would save the state nearly $40 billion a year while at the same time, dramatically expanding coverage and extending it to every resident in the state.
  • Single-payer is just not possible at this point – we missed the boat.

More and more Americans are seeing through the lies, but we can’t stop educating people just yet. It’s going to take millions of voices demanding change to get our political leaders to finally take us seriously.

Once we reach that point, then an avalanche of insurance and pharmaceutical industry misinformation will fill up our air waves. Yes, they have enough money – OUR money – to fund dishonest TV commercials day and night.

It’s a huge challenge. Will you help? 

What YOU Can DO 

If you agree that we need California Medicare for All, take action!

> Add your voice to those of other business owners. Join the Business Alliance for a Healthy California!

> Tell your State Assemblymember to co-sponsor SB 562, The Healthy California Act!

> Sign our Open Letter to Governor Brown and Our Legislative Leaders!

Dear Governor Brown, Senate President Pro Tem DeLeón and Assembly Speaker Rendon:

Californians need and want guaranteed healthcare that covers everybody for everything for life!

We support the Healthy California Act introduced by Senator Ricardo Lara and co-sponsored by Senator Toni Atkins.

Help all Californians fight the heartless and cruel threats to our health care from Washington DC.

Let’s HEAL California with SB 562, the Healthy California Act! 

Yours Truly,


Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!