Weekly News Roundup: September 18, 2020




The week in healthcare reform 

Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. 




  1. The Healthy California for All Commission has been suspended for the remainder of 2020, to reconvene no later than February 2021.

The Commission is encouraging reviews of the Environmental Analysis of Health Care Delivery, Coverage and Financing in California. Formal public comments can be submitted via email to HealthyCAforAll@chhs.ca.gov.

Public comments should:

      • Specifically mention Environmental Analysis comments in the email subject line
      • Be provided as a single PDF. Within the PDF, links may be included.
      • Comply with California accessibility requirements
      • Not exceed 5,000 words in length
      • Be received by October 30, 2020
  1. Healthcare Justice Virtual Town Hall, Weds 9/23/20 at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) will lead an all-star virtual town hall event for health care justice organized by Public Citizen’s Medicare for All campaign. 

RSVP here for the Town Hall.


“Through aggressive promotion and selective media leaks to inflate their stock prices, pharmaceutical company executives and insiders are profiteering from the pandemic, without any guarantee they will ever produce a vaccine.”

Pharma Insiders Are Raking in Money Despite No Guaranteed COVID-19 Vaccine | Opinion

Newsweek | Gerald Posner and Margarida Jorge | September 15, 2020

“One of the group’s goals … is to have a resolution of support in front of the U.S. Conference of Mayors to be adopted as a policy position of that group.”

Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia Launches Medicare for All Advocacy Group

The Grunion | Harry Saltzgaver | September 10, 2020

“We need to make sure that these companies and brokers are held accountable, and … when I say held accountable —  these people should be…prosecuted and be in jail.”

GAO Report Finds Brokers Offered False Info on Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions

The Hill | Jessie Hellmann | September 16, 2020

“…economic vulnerability severely impairs a person’s ability to cope with catastrophe, and this burden falls heavily on younger generations.”

Millennials and Gen Z are Spreading Coronavirus — But Not Because of Parties and Bars

National Geographic | Rebecca Renner | September 17, 2020

“Payers are reporting skyrocketing profits amid the COVID-19 pandemic as patients deferred care in droves….”

‘We Feel Bullish’: Payers Look Ahead to 2021

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 17, 2020

“The total number of postal workers testing positive has more than tripled from about 3,100 cases in June to 9,600 in September.”

Poorly Protected Postal Workers Are Catching COVID-19 by the Thousands. It’s One More Threat to Voting by Mail.

ProPublica | Maryam Jameel and Ryan McCarthy | September 18, 2020



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the Medicare for All movement.

With non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos, we highlight the on-going injustices of our broken healthcare system and amplify the voices of those who are most impacted by it.

Our Podcasts shine a light on the failures of America’s healthcare system, while explaining how Medicare for All could help.

Our Media page offers connections to experts and additional resources including links to legislation and studies.

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