Weekly News Roundup: Sep 3, 2021



The week in healthcare reform


“In the final stretch before the Sept. 14 election, the governor has leaned into his pandemic efforts again.”

Newsom’s Closing Message: More People Will Die If I’m Recalled

Politico | Mackenzie Mays | September 3, 2021

“…you can bring a claim if you know that someone intends to procure an abortion or aid and abet one.” … “the public-enforcement provision of the law could have some ugly consequences.”

The Supreme Court Heads Toward Reversing Abortion Rights

NPR | Nina Totenberg | September 3, 2021

“‘I believe we need Medicare For All, but we are not there yet,’ Sanders admitted. ‘There have been no major reforms to Medicare since 1965.’”

Sanders: Biden Medicare Expansion a Step Toward Medicare for All

People’s World | Mark Gruenberg | August 31, 2021

“…it’s not a terribly complicated problem and experts have seen it coming for years. There are many plans for fixing Medicare.”

Medicare Isn’t as Broken as It Sounds

Yahoo! | Rick Newman | August 31, 2021

“This is the fourth consecutive year that a Medicare funding warning has been issued.”

Medicare Insolvency Still Expected by 2026, Unchanged by COVID-19, Trustees Say

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 1, 2021

“…the Affordable Care Act has given us a solid decade of comfort with the existing ‘tobacco surcharge’ guardrails – under which a medical plan’s costs and a plan participant’s life decision on whether or not to smoke are seen as so undeniably linked as to permit differing premiums.”

Should You Consider Offering Cheaper Health Plan Coverage in 2022 for Vaccinated Employees?

JD Supra | Akerman, LLP; Beth Arcade | August 31, 2021

“Of the estimated 1.3 million couples who were married in the U.S. in 2020, 26% said they did so because either they or their partner needed health insurance….”

Survey: Quarter of Couples Who Married in 2020 Did So for Health Insurance

Benefits Pro | Michael S. Fischer | August 27, 2021

“…many patients who are hospitalized, the vast majority unvaccinated, will be hit with hospital bills for their treatment.”

In-Depth: The Cost of COVID-19, Health Insurance, and Hospitalization

ABC News | Tim Kephart | August 26, 2021



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the Medicare for All movement.

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Our Podcasts shine a light on the failures of America’s healthcare system, while explaining how Medicare for All could help.

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