Weekly News Roundup: Sep 10, 2021



The week in healthcare reform


“The most important element is convincing people to get the vaccine … the unvaccinated are draining the health care system.”

Biden’s Six-Step Covid Plan, Explained

CNN | Zachary B. Wolf | September 10, 2021

Lowering premiums by “…directly paying insurance companies for their most expensive claims.”

Biden Admin Shells Out $452M to Boost State Reinsurance Programs

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 8, 2021

“Medical providers are scheduled to report by Sept. 30 on how they spent the first wave of funds….”

Provider Groups Lobby HHS as COVID-19 Fund Deadlines Near

Roll Call | Lauren Clason | September 8, 2021

“One man’s liberty … cannot deprive his neighbors of their own liberty — in this case by allowing the spread of disease.”

The Surprisingly Strong Supreme Court Precedent Supporting Vaccine Mandates

Politico | Peter S. Canellos, Joel Lau | September 8, 2021

“We need to recognize that while the ACA did many good things, just providing subsidies to private insurance is not the way to move forward.” —Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Democrats Reopen Old Health Care Wounds with $3.5T Mega-Bill on the Line

Politico | Heather Caygle, Alice Miranda Ollstein | September 8, 2021

“…the gap in mortality rates between [Medicare] beneficiaries of different ethnicities and races grew even more pronounced during the coronavirus pandemic….”

Medicare Mortality Rates Reveal COVID-19 Racial Care Disparities

Health Payer Intelligence | Kelsey Waddill | September 7, 2021

“…many provider organizations say they’re looking to expand their virtual care services to better manage patient populations while keeping costs down.”

Hospital Telehealth Leveling Off at One-Fifth of Medical Appointments, Research Finds

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 7, 2021

“Can you imagine waking up every morning knowing that if you or your spouse or child was diagnosed that day with cancer or got in a car accident or had some other major injury, it could lead to your being bankrupt, homeless, and a pauper for the rest of your life?”

Want a Green New Deal? Get Medicare for All First

The Progressive Magazine | Thom Hartmann | September 6, 2021

“…millions of Americans insured under [Medicare Advantage] end up paying more money than they would with traditional Medicare….”

Book Review: Why Medicare Advantage Plans are Bad

Medical Device News | September 6, 2021

“…Sen. Joe Manchin threw a major wrench in the plan Democrats have been building for months….”

First On CNN: More Than 100 Democratic Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age to 60

CNN | Annie Grayer | September 3, 2021



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