Weekly News Roundup: Oct 29, 2021



The week in healthcare reform



“House Democrats should vote down the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and hold out for a program that meets the needs of most voters.”

Opinion | Locked Out of the Sausage Factory: Will Medicare Expansion Survive the Budget Reconciliation Debates?

Common Dreams | Michael Lighty & Mark Dudzik | October 27, 2021

“…progressives are grudgingly assessing whether it’s time to be pragmatic, back a compromise and declare victory.”

Many Progressives Grudgingly Accepting Smaller Economic Plan

Associated Press | Alan Fram | October 27, 2021

“Lobbyists for the insurance industry are concerned about the threat of payment cuts.”

Democrats Eye Medicare Advantage as Potential Reconciliation Offset

Roll Call | Lauren Clason | October 26, 2021

“…seniors will need a small fortune to pay for medical costs that Medicare won’t….”

Opinion: Seniors Will Pay More – A Lot More – For Medications in Some States

MarketWatch | Paul Brandus | October 25, 2021

“…most federal relief funds went to the already best-resourced facilities….”

US Hospitals Took Huge, Unequal Financial Hit During COVID, Studies Show

CIDRAP | Mary Van Beusekom | October 25, 2021

“It is beyond comprehension that there is any member of the United States Congress who is not prepared to vote to make sure that we lower prescription drug costs.”

Sanders on Medicare Expansion in Spending Package: ‘It’s Not Coming Out’

The Hill | Lexi Lonas | October 23, 2021

“Reformers … need to educate everybody to understand how much they really are already paying….”

Medical Care’s Soaring Percentage of GDP Raises Eyebrows

LA Progressive | Paul deLespinasse | October 22, 2021

EYE-OPENING! “Here are your Lobbying Disclosure Act revenue rankings for the third quarter of 2021.”

Haggling Over Reconciliation Keeps Business Booming on K Street

Politico | Caitlin Oprysko | October 21, 2021



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