Weekly News Roundup: November 8, 2019

The week in healthcare reform
This week’s special focus is on the Campaign for Medicare for All, the Underserved, the Unregulated and Open Enrollment.  

The Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary

on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system and how to improve it. 


The Campaign for Medicare for All 

Los Angeles City Council votes to endorse HR 1384, Medicare for All Act of 2019

‘A Huge Moment for the Movement’: Los Angeles City Council Approves Resolution in Favor of Medicare for All

Common Dreams | Jon Queally | November 5, 2019



Our healthcare system is highly defective says former head of CMS

Don Berwick: The Medicare for All debate is distorted

Axios | Bob Herman | November 6, 2019



Is healthcare reform is a winning issue for Democrats?

Why Democrats Keep Winning on Health Care

Politico | Rachana Pradhan | November 6, 2019



Wendell Potter reveals the insurance industry playbook on Medicare for All

How Health Insurance Industry Allies Are Going to Lie and Attack Warren’s Medicare for All Plan

Raw Story | Wendell Potter | November 4, 2019



Is Medicare for All DOA?

The “Medicare for All” Conversation Is Surreal

Slate | Jordan Weissmann | November 6, 2019



How much money Warren’s plan would save you

Find Out How Much Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All Plan Will Cost You

Vice News | Daniel Newhauser | November 1, 2019



Would Medicare for All savings result in bigger paychecks for workers?

Medicare for All Lowers Taxes for Most Americans

Just Care USA | Diane Archer | October 30, 2019

The Underserved

The poor and disabled suffer greatest impact from power outages

If Power Outages Are California’s New Normal, What About Home Medical Needs?

California Healthline | Mark Kreidler | November 1, 2019



New mom missed deadline to add her child to insurance plan

How One Employer Stuck a New Mom with a $898,984 Bill for Her Premature Baby

ProPublica | Marshall Allen | November 4, 2019

The Unregulated

Total revenue more than tripled.

Health Insurer Cigna Quarterly Profit Soars 75%

Reuters | Saumya Sibi and Joseph and Tamara Mathias, Writers | Shinjini Ganguli, Editor | October 31, 2019



Trump administration stalls price transparency

CMS Delays Proposal to Force Hospital to Reveal Negotiated Rates

Healthcare Dive | Samantha Liss | November 1, 2019



The middle-class and poor would lose big-time without Obamacare.

The Rich Will Receive Billions in Tax Cuts If Obamacare is Overturned, Report

CNBC | Berkeley Lovelace, Jr. | November 4, 2019

Open Enrollment

Trump administration pushes junk insurance while arguing Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.

New ObamaCare Enrollment Period Faces Trump Headwinds

The Hill | Jessie Hellmann | October 31, 2019



Californians pay less than other Americans for marketplace health insurance.

Editorial: Health Insurance Reform is Real in California, Not in Washington, DC

The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board | November 8, 2019





HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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