Weekly News Roundup: November 29, 2019

The week in healthcare reform 

Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary

on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system,

with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. 


Lack of adequate public health insurance system associated with decreased life expectancy

Suicides and Overdoses Among Factors Fueling Drop in US Life Expectancy

Los Angeles Times | Melissa Healy | November 26, 2019


Politicians defend failed healthcare system as Americans die younger

Obama Privately Considered Leading ‘Stop-Bernie Campaign’ to Combat Sanders 2020 Surge: Report

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | November 26, 2019


Patients abused by health insurers turn to Medicare for All

The Stunning Rise of Single-Payer Health Care

The Atlantic | Olga Khazan | November 21, 2019


Biden’s wrong. “The majority of Democrats do support Medicare for all.”

Did Joe Biden Overstate Democratic Voters’ Opposition To ‘Medicare For All’?

Kaiser Health News | Victoria Knight | November 26, 2019


Healthcare corporations defend cruel, unsustainable status quo

The Army Built to Fight ‘Medicare for All’

Politico | Adam Cancryn | November 25, 2019



Medicare Advantage is a private insurance scam

Beware of the Medicare Disadvantage Corporate Trap – Wake Up AARP

CounterPunch | Ralph Nader | November 25, 2019



Deregulation: Insurers profit while patients pay high price

Risky Business: Buying health insurance in the new age of deregulation

Houston Chronicle | Jenny Deam | November 27, 2019



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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