Weekly News Roundup: November 22, 2019

The week in healthcare reform 

Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary

on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system,

with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. 


530,000 medical bankruptcies a year. What American dream?

‘I live on the street now’: How Americans Fall into Medical Bankruptcy

(The Guardian | Michael Sainato | November 14, 2019)


Robert Reich breaks down the high cost of health care in America. 

The Real Deal with Medicare for All with Robert Reich 

(Youtube | Robert Reich | November 19, 2019)


Healthcare inequity: More insidious forces than economics alone at play.

The Health Effects of Structural Racism

(Kevin MD | Niran S. Al Agba | November 15, 2019)


Will “incrementalism” lead to Medicare for All? California gives it a try. 

Does Gavin Newsom have the answer to Democrats’ health care fights? 

(Politico | Angela Hart | November 19, 2019)


In the U.S. the price of insulin has doubled since 2012, but remains just $4 a month in Germany. 

Moved Overseas for School, stayed for Insulin

(Kaiser Health News | Shefali Luthra | October 29, 2019)

Medication can help but only if you can afford it. 

Letter: Medicare for All Would Drive Down Drug Costs

(Chicago Tribune Opinion | Shannon Rotolo | November 18, 2019)



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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