Weekly News Roundup: November 15, 2019

The week in healthcare reform
This week’s special focus is on the Campaign for Medicare for All, the Unresolved and the Unregulated.  

The Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary

on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system and how to improve it. 


The Campaign for Medicare for All 

The most significant endorsement by an elected body for Medicare for All to date.

‘A huge moment for the movement’: Los Angeles City Council Approves Resolution in Favor of Medicare for All

Common Dreams | John Queally | November 5, 2019



Our focus should be on healthcare as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.

Actually, ‘Medicare for All’ is the Only Affordable Option

The Hill | Lawrence Kotlikoff | November 8, 2019



Rev. Jesse Jackson: It’s over three decades since I sounded the call for Medicare for All.

A Long Overdue Debate on Medicare-for-All

CounterPunch | Jesse Jackson | November 8, 2019


The Affordable Care Act cannot bring healthcare for everyone.

Editorial counterpoint: Actually, Single-Payer Medicare for All IS the Only Answer

Minneapolis Star Tribune | John Marty | November 11, 2019



Our focus should be on healthcare as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.

Actually, ‘Medicare for All’ is the Only Affordable Option

The Hill | Lawrence Kotlikoff | November 8, 2019



Fact-checking assertions about the cost of Medicare for All

Examining Claims About ‘Medicare for All’

The New York Times | November 9, 2019



Link to presentations made at the 2019 Single Payer Strategy Conference

2019 Single-Payer Strategy Conference

Courtesy of Healthcare NOW

The Unresolved

America’s healthcare system is broken and everybody knows it

Why Is Medicare for All Popular? Study Finds 34 Million in US Know Someone Who Died Because Healthcare Too Expensive

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | November 12, 2019


U.S. remains an outlier when it comes to healthcare expenditures

13% of Americans Say They Know Someone Who Died After They Couldn’t Afford Health Care, Survey Says

CNN | Scottie Andrew | November 12, 2019

The Unregulated

Your health data may be “safely” inside the cloud.

Google’s Health Care Ambitions Now Involve Patient Data

Rachel Lerman | Associated Press | November 12, 2019



President seeks to eliminate protections, strip insurance from the poor.

Some of Trump’s Most Devious Lies Are About Health Care

The New York Times | Nicholas Bagley | November 12, 2019





HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

Check out our Media page for experts and additional resources including links to legislation, studies, and more.

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