Weekly News Roundup: November 1, 2019

The week in healthcare reform
This week’s special focus is on the campaign for Medicare for All, financing health care, Medi-Cal and community. 

The Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary

on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system and how to improve it. 




The Campaign for Medicare for All 

Around one-third of Americans favors Medicare-for-All, one third favors incremental approaches, and one-third favors a free market plan, however, there is agreement that the government should play a bigger role, and that taxes are a fair trade for coverage.

How Americans Split on Health Care: It’s a 3-Way Tie

The New York Times | Margot Sanger-Katz | October 30, 2019

Fear of losing insurance drives the health care debate:

70% of Americans oppose the right of employers to change their sponsored health insurance.

Under Medicare for All, You Will Never Lose Your Health Insurance Ever Again

Jacobin Magazine | Matt Bruenig | October 26, 2019

Here are the questions the media should be asking the presidential candidates.

The Noisy Battle Over Medicare for All Won’t Matter After the Election

Vice | Harry Cheadle | October 25, 2019

Clash of visions: Is health care an individual responsibility or a government guarantee?

The Big Difference in 2020 Health Plans Isn’t Among Democrats

Vox | Dylan Scott | October 28, 2019

Canada pursues legislation to protect patients from Big Pharma Greed

It’s Time for Canada to Embrace Universal Pharmacare and Protect Drug Coverage from Corporate Erosion

STAT News | Opinion | Nav Persaud and Danielle Martin | October 28, 2019

Financing Medicare for All

Yes, we can afford Medicare for All, but is it really only about the money?

“As a nurse who also does community outreach, I see people

who are slowly dying because they don’t have access to health services. . . “

Commentary: Why Medicare for All is Right for America

The San Diego Union-Tribune | Peter Hall* | October 18, 2019
*Peter Hall, R.N., M.P.A., is San Diego Chapter director of Health Care for All — California.

LA Times’ Hiltzik blasts dishonest study of Medicare-for-All financing

Assesses the “sleight of hand” in the studies funded by billionaire foundations.

Column: An Anti-Deficit Group Tells a Scary Story on ‘Medicare for All,’ But Is It the Whole Story?

The Los Angeles Times | Business | Michael Hiltzik | October 30, 2019

The CBO is supposed to be independent and nonpartisan, but is it? What about its ties with lobbyists from a dark money nonprofit created to fight Medicare for All?

CBO Health Panel Packed with Experts Tied to Anti-Medicare for All Groups

Sludge | Donald Shaw, Writer | Alex Kotch, Editor | October 24, 2019

Medi-Cal and Managed Care 

Time to rethink turning Medi-Cal over to private health insurance companies?

Now they’re cutting off payments for vulnerable nursing home residents.

California Nursing Home Residents Told to Find New Homes

California Healthline | Jocelyn Wiener | October 29, 2019


Focus on Community

Women and LGBTQ people have much to gain with Medicare for All.

What Medicare for All Would Cost Women & LGBTQ People, According to Experts

Bustle | Jo Yurcaba | October 28, 2019




HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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