Weekly News Roundup: Nov 26, 2021



The week in healthcare reform



“…up from 19% of households carrying medical debt in 2017, according to Census Bureau data.”

More Than 1 In 3 U.S. Adults Carry Medical Debt, Survey Finds

CNBC.com | Kate Dore, CFP | November 24, 2021

“Here are five of the important healthcare provisions in the House Build Back Better bill….”

Healthcare Provisions in the House Version of Build Back Better

Managed Healthcare Executive | Peter Wehrwein | November 22, 2021

“Prescription drugs are but one component, and most of the attention has focused on Medicare provisions to slash out-of-pocket costs for seniors and allow the program to negotiate prices for a limited number of medicines.

“But the inflation caps would have far-reaching impact for as many as 180 million Americans with private insurance.”

Cap on Drug Price Hikes for Privately Insured Sparks Battle

Associated Press | Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar | November 21, 2021

“One of the problems is there’s so much here that it’s almost overwhelming to try to figure out how to do the message.”

‘Whole Different Ballgame’: Dems Vow They’ve Learned Obamacare Lessons in Messaging $1.7T Megabill

Politico | Sarah Ferris, Heather Caygle | November 19, 2021

“Americans owe an estimated $60 billion to $125 billion in COVID-related medical debt, and experts believe that overwhelming number is only going to grow.”

Full Insurance Coverage for COVID Treatment is Expiring. How Will Providers Adapt?

Medical Economics | Jason Considine | November 19, 2021

“Medicare Advantage is also one of the most effective ways that insurance companies can kill a real ‘Medicare for All’ system, since so many people who think they’re on Medicare are actually on these privatized plans instead.”

The Corporate Plan to Murder Medicare Runs Through Medicare Advantage

Common Dreams | Thom Hartmann | November 19, 2021



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