Weekly News Roundup: Nov 19, 2021



The week in healthcare reform



“The legislation includes a monthly per-child cash payment of up to $300 for most parents, child care funding, universal pre-K, an extension of Affordable Care Act subsidies and Medicare hearing benefits. It also commits $555 billion toward combating climate change, the largest such effort in U.S. history.”

House Passes Biden’s $1.7 Trillion Social Safety Net and Climate Package

NBC News | Sahil Kapur | November 19, 2021

“Payers and providers must start complying with the federal ban on surprise billing by Jan. 1, and the fight over rules implementing the ban is heating up….”

Congress, Alongside Provider and Consumer Groups, Continues Spat Over Surprise Billing Ban Rules

Healthcare Dive | Hailey Mensik | November 17, 2021

“…make no mistake, MA is lucrative: In 2018, MA made health insurers $27 billion in profits.”

The Medicare Disadvantage: How Corporate Insurers Are Nickel-and-Diming Seniors and Taxpayers

Detroit Metro News | Abdul El-Sayed | November 17, 2019

“Whether it was to virtually wipe out smallpox or prevent polio, measles, mumps and rubella among children preparing to enter the school system, vaccine mandates were largely normalized in the U.S. long before now.”

Surprise, Surprise. The COVID Vaccine Mandates Are Working

Capital and Main | Mark Kreidler | November 16, 2021

“About half of the increase in 2022 premiums is due to contingency planning if Medicare decides to cover Aduhelm, federal officials said. It’s a case study in how just one expensive medication can affect the spending of millions in the U.S….”

Biogen’s Pricey Alzheimer’s Drug Contributes to Major Medicare Premium Hikes

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | November 15, 2021

“Standard monthly Medicare Part B premiums will be $170.10 next year, compared to $148.50 this year. The Part B deductible is also increasing 15%, from $203 to $233.”

Biogen’s Pricey Alzheimer’s Drug Contributes to Major Medicare Premium Hikes

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | November 15, 2021

“Over the last decade, family premiums for employer-sponsored coverage have jumped 47%…. That rate outpaces both wage growth (31%) and inflation (23%) over the same time period.”

Average Family Premiums for Employer-Based Health Insurance Have Jumped 47% in the Last Decade, Outpacing Wage Growth and Inflation

CNBC | Sarah O’Brien | November 11, 2021



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