Weekly News Roundup: June 26, 2020

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The week in healthcare reform 

Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. 

“What should have been done over a hundred years ago, when Republican President Theodore Roosevelt proposed universal health care, should not be stalled any longer.”

From the COVID-19 Battle Can Come Unstoppable Citizen Power to Propel “Full Medicare for All” Through Congress

CounterPunch | Ralph Nader | June 19, 2020


“…[Y]ounger workers are more likely to venture out for economic reasons. They are more likely to have jobs in the service industry, putting them at risk of contracting the virus through contacts with restaurant, convenience store and grocery store patrons.”

Young People Drive New Coronavirus Spikes

The Hill | Reid Wilson | June 20, 2020


Hospitals lost the first round in their battle against price transparency.

Hospitals Sued to Keep Prices Secret. They Lost.

New York Times | Sarah Kliff and Margot Sanger-Katz | June 23, 2020


“…the gaps … in the design of the current health insurance ecosystem.”

UPDATED Coronavirus Tracker: Job Disruption Impacting Coverage Access, Survey Finds

Fierce Healthcare | June 23, 2020


LAPD found an 88-year-old with dementia wandering the city alone. 

‘They Just Dumped Him Like Trash’: Nursing Homes Evict Vulnerable Residents

New York Times | Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Amy Julia Harris | June 23, 2020



“…[T]he most socially disadvantaged and poorest communities lack the privilege to social distance….”

Social Distancing Isn’t a Nuisance – It’s a Privilege

ABC News | Eden David | June 25, 2020


“…[T]he current for-profit healthcare system that has driven millions of Americans into bankruptcy and leaves millions more without care will only continue to exacerbate the pain of the outbreak.

Why a Socialized System Like Medicare for All Beats For-Profit Healthcare in One Chart of COVID-19 Infection Rates

Common Dreams | Eoin Higgins | June 25, 2020



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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