Weekly News Roundup: Jun 25, 2021


The week in healthcare reform

“…nearly every death, especially among adults, due to COVID-19, is, at this point, entirely preventable.” —Dr. Rochelle Walensky, CDC

Nearly All COVID Deaths in US Are Now Among Unvaccinated

Associated Press | Carla K. Johnson, Mike Stobbe | June 24, 2021

“The effects of what hospital you go to are by far the greatest and, frankly, could entirely explain the Black-White differences we see in survival.” 

What Can Be Done About the Stark Differences Between Black, White Communities on COVID-19

Healthline | Writer: Roz Plater, Fact checked: Jennifer Chesak | June 23, 2021

“The Military Health System provides medical care with minimal or usually no financial barriers … when medical care is universally provided to all patients, racial disparity in colon cancer outcomes can be reduced.”

Cancer Patients Benefited Under Universal Healthcare

Health Exec | Amy Baxter | June 23, 2021

“Drugs that work like Aduhelm have failed time and again in clinical trials….” 

FDA Documents Show How Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug Decision Was Reached

Healthcare Dive | Jacob Bell and Ned Pagliarulo | June 23, 2021

“Medicaid and CHIP are now the largest single source of health coverage in the U.S., passing the roughly 63 million people covered by Medicare.”

Record 1 in 4 Americans Now Covered by Medicaid, CHIP

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | June 22, 2021

“…after nearly a dozen years focused on expanding insurance under the Affordable Care Act, many experts and policymakers agree that simply increasing access to health care is not nearly enough to improve patients’ health.”

In Health Care, More Money is Being Spent on Patients’ Social Needs. Is It Working?

NPR | Phil Galewitz | June 21, 2021

“Evidence of the ‘long shadow’ unequal policies continue to have in the U.S., pointing toward housing policy that ultimately segregated neighborhoods, leaving Black people with unequal access to resources, opportunities and housing.”

Black Patients Were More Likely to Die of COVID-19 Largely Due to Inferior Hospitals

Healthcare Dive | Samantha Liss | June 21, 2021

“In theory, savings from prescription drugs can pay for program expansions without adding to the deficit or raising taxes.”

Democrats See Springboard for Health Care in High Court Win

Associated Press | Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar | June 19, 2021

“In the United States, fewer people are insured, costs stand astronomically high, and ultimate health outcomes remain relatively poor.”

America First? Not in Healthcare. Not Even Close

Healthline | Writer: Brian Mastroianni; Fact checked: Maria Gifford | June 17, 2021



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