Weekly News Roundup: Jul 11, 2022

Breaking News in Healthcare Reform



“…instead of looking for a solution that takes care of the problems of patients, we have been looking for solutions that take care of the problems of the insurer.”

US Health Insurance Cost-Sharing Benefits Insurers & Harms the Rest of Us

Health Justice Monitor | Don McCanne, MD | July 11, 2022

“For a product that has been available for the last 50 years, that has been used safely by millions of women, we thought it was time to make it more available.”

Over-the-Counter Birth Control? Drugmaker Seeks FDA Approval

Associated Press | Matthew Perrone | July 11, 2022

“…with Schumer negotiating directly with Manchin … the hopes of … gaining the ability for Medicare to better control outrageous drug prices … would be considered a win.”

Letting Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Would Save US Nearly $290 Billion: CBO

Common Dreams | Jon Queally | July 9, 2022

“President Biden must do more. We need bold action immediately to ensure people can access the care they need.”

Biden Issues Executive Order Responding to Abortion Ruling

Roll Call | Sandhya Raman | July 8, 2022

“…farm and food production employers routinely failed to provide workers with face masks, nor did they enforce physical distancing or notify workers when there were COVID outbreaks at worksites.”

Study Says California Employers Fail to Keep Food, Farm Workers Safe from COVID

CalMatters | Lil Kalish | July 7, 2022

“Their experiment with privatizing health care killed patients.”

Private Care Outsourcing in the UK Increases Mortality

Health Justice Monitor | Don McCanne, MD | July 6, 2022

“The virus exacted a huge human toll … and indirectly affected other causes of death like heart attacks and strokes, in part by discouraging some Americans from seeking care.”

COVID was Third Leading Cause of Death in 2020 and 2021

Axios | Adriel Bettelheim | July 6, 2022

“…it’s all but guaranteed that lower income countries will be left without adequate supplies of vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments that can save lives….”

World’s Covid Vaccine, Drugs Equity Program Set to Wind Down This Fall

Politico | Erin Banco, Ashleigh Furlong | July 5, 2022



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