Weekly News Roundup: Jan 4, 2022



The Week in Healthcare Reform


“List price increases don’t tell the entire story about U.S. drug pricing, but drug company claims about how net prices are falling right now distort how much prices have increased over time.”

The Big-Ticket Drugs That Have Higher Prices in 2022

Axios | Bob Herman | January 4, 2022

“We need to be active bill readers and ask a lot of questions to our providers and insurance companies if there’s a bill we don’t think we should be paying.”

Many Surprise Medical Bills Are Now Illegal

Axios | Bob Herman | January 1, 2022

“We’re making Medi-Cal, which provides health care to one-third of all Californians, the most comprehensive, robust such program in the entire country.”

Federal Government Approves California’s Medicaid Overhaul

ABC News | Don Thompson | December 29, 2021

“Study questions veterans’ benefit from obtaining care outside the VA system.”

VA Beats Private Sector Hospitals for Post-Op Surgical Mortality

MedPage Today | John Gever | December 29, 2021

“We are building a more competitive, transparent and affordable health care market,” said Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. 

CMS Wants Insurers to Offer Standardized Plan Options on the ACA Exchanges

Fierce Healthcare | Paige Minemyer | December 28, 2021

“Only in the United States could the government run a public health campaign centered on fears of large, unexpected medical bills.”

CDC’s Covid-19 Vaccine Push Threatens Americans with Exorbitant Hospital Bills

Common Dreams | Julia Conley | December 28, 2021

“Newsom has bitterly disappointed some who were drawn to his candidacy because he talked the talk on single-payer, in which a government-related source would pay for all health care costs in the state. Once in office, the governor quickly began to back away from that idea, using less specific terms like universal or umbrella care.”

Looking Back on Gov. Newsom’s Healthcare Wins and Losses

Capital and Main | Mark Kreidler | December 28, 2021



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