Weekly News Roundup for Sep 5, 2022



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“A drop of three years in some parts of the country is shocking. It also directly confronts the idea that individual behavior could have changed pandemic outcomes.”

The Steep Decline in US Life Expectancy Raises Questions Most Politicians Want to Avoid

Salon | Bob Hennelly | September 3, 2022

“The soul of America’s health care is defined by the sacred proposition that all deserve quality health care without financial burden.”

Battle for the Soul of the Nation … and of Health Care

Health Justice Monitor | James G. Kahn, MD/MPH | September 2, 2022

“Changes in patient volume, billing after private equity firms acquire physician practices….”

Study Raises Red Flags About Corporatization of Health Care, OHSU Investigator Says

Oregon Health & Science University | Erik Robinson | September 2, 2022

“On average, Americans are expected to live nearly three fewer years than they were in 2019.”

Pandemic, Profit-Driven Healthcare System Blamed for Historic Decline in US Life Expectancy

Common Dreams | Julia Conley | August 31, 2022

“It’s really incumbent upon us to show that government can work, that government can solve problems and really address the needs that are so present in people’s lives.”

‘Forcing the Hand’: Gavin Newsom Leans Into Legislative Agenda as First Term Nears End

CalMatters |  Alexei Koseff | August 31, 2022

“A recent study – PDF estimated that only about half of eligible low-income individuals enrolled in Medicare were also enrolled in Medicare Savings Programs.”

Biden-Harris Administration Proposes to Make Health Care Enrollment Easier for Millions of Americans

HHS Press Office | August 31, 2022

“Those who are healthy benefit from the low cost of Medicare Advantage plans, as long as they remain healthy. For those who become sick, Medicare Advantage offers only cut-rate medicine, and they will suffer.”

Medicare Dis-Advantage: Shortchanging the Patients While Enriching the Insurer

Common Dreams | Leonard Rodberg | August 30, 2022

“WHEREAS the ongoing privatization has created a $350 billion market that Wall Street and private equity firms are rushing to exploit, undermining Medicare’s solvency and putting crucial decisions about patient care in the hands of actuaries rather than doctors….”

Resolution: Stop the Privatization of Medicare & Abolish ACO REACH

Adopted by Alameda Labor Council | August 8, 2022



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