Weekly News Roundup for Sep 4, 2023

Zoom Webinar


“Civil Rights, Medicare, the Desegregation
of American Hospitals,
and the Menace
of ‘Value-Based’ Care”


Featuring Linda Phenix, 

Texas Task Force to Protect Medicare from Privatization


Click to Register

Saturday, September 13 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET

(30 minute presentation) 


Sponsor: National Single Payer



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“…up to 750,000 eligible toddlers, preschoolers, postpartum adults, and others eligible for WIC could be turned away from the program if the House GOP’s proposed funding levels become law.”

GOP Shutdown Threat Raises Risk of ‘Inhumane’ Cuts to Food Aid

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | September 4, 2023

“…drug costs are just one part of a growing struggle faced by U.S. seniors in meeting their healthcare costs.”

Column: US Medicare Drug Negotiations a Good Start on Bringing Down Healthcare Costs

Reuters | Mark Miller | August 31, 2023

“…drug companies spend a lot of money on TV ads and things like stock buybacks and dividends. In fact, studies have found that often, they spend more on those things than they spend on R&D.”

Fact Check: Do Lower Drug Prices Make It Harder for Companies to Find New Treatments?

NPR | Sydney Lupkin | August 31, 2023

“When employers offer health care benefits to their employees, those benefits tend to subtract from employee compensation, instead of employer profit.”

Why Do We Let Our Bosses Control Our Health Care?

Workday Magazine | Amie Stager | August 31, 2023

“Procedural disenrollments make up roughly three-fourths of all disenrollments to date, according to the [Kaiser Family Foundation].”

Medicaid Cracks Down on States Over Children Wrongly Losing Coverage During Redeterminations

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | August 31, 2023

“For an insurance company, …death is cheaper than chemotherapy.”

I Set Out to Create a Simple Map for How to Appeal Your Insurance Denial. Instead, I Found a Mind-Boggling Labyrinth.

ProPublica | Cheryl Clark August 31, 2023

“Humira: The best-selling drug in human history, which raked in close to a quarter-trillion dollars in sales over the past two decades … did not qualify for IRA negotiation because this year, the arthritis drug finally … has generic competition…, which renders a drug ineligible for the program under the IRA rules.”

Medicare Price Negotiation: Ten Drugs That Made the List, and Ten That Should Have

The American Prospect | David Dayen, Maureen Tkacik | August 30, 2023

“What unites these drugs is that a lot of Americans take them, which may be because diabetes and heart disease are among the most common chronic health conditions in the US, and they must take them regularly.”

Medicare’s First-Ever Drug Price Negotiations, Briefly Explained

Vox | Dylan Scott | August 30, 2023

“Often referred to in hushed, reverent tones as the ‘Cadillac of health insurance’ by those who have it, the policy offered by the screenwriters guild, for instance, feels like a holdover from a bygone age. It has no monthly premiums, costs $600 per year to cover the rest of your immediate family and has deductibles that are in the hundreds – not thousands – of dollars.”

Hollywood Union Health Insurance is Particularly Good. And It’s Jeopardized by Strike

NPR | Jackie Fortier | August 30, 2023



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