Weekly News Roundup for Sep 26, 2022



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“As if medical suffering is not enough, we compound that with financial suffering.”

Poor Patients Eligible for Free Care Pursued for Payment

Health Justice Monitor | Don McCanne, MD | September 26, 2022

“A recent survey finds that about one-third of adults with health insurance worry about affording their monthly premiums, and the most commonly reported reason for lack of health coverage is the scarcity of affordable options.”

Affordable Health Care for Individuals with Cancer

The White House | September 23, 2022

“In June, the Republican Study Committee … released a proposal that calls for gradually raising the retirement age to 70, partially privatizing Social Security, and mean-testing benefits.”

House GOP Agenda Signals Push for Social Security and Medicare Cuts

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | September 22, 2022

“The difference is that while 26 million seniors have voluntarily signed up for a middleman when they chose Medicare Advantage, the 38 million seniors in traditional Medicare have not.”

Wall Street Slowly Taking Over Medicare

LA Progressive | F. Douglas Stephenson September 22, 2022

“The CMS is … looking to track pregnancy-related mortality, adding a maternal morbidity measurement to its quality reporting program in the final inpatient payment rule released last month.”

Majority of Pregnancy-Related Deaths Are Preventable, CDC Says

Healthcare Dive | Susan Kelly | September 21, 2022

“With COVID relief no longer available, some rural facilities in parts of the country with older, sicker populations are struggling to stay open and are cutting services.”

Rural Hospitals Face Funding Cliff with $600 Million on the Line

Axios | Arielle Dreher | September 21, 2022

“It’s likely, when we think of the causes of death in our society, that Covid’s on the list probably forever….”

COVID Will Be a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Indefinitely, Whether or Not the Pandemic Is ‘Over’

NBC News | Aria Bendix, Shannon Pettypiece | September 19, 2022

“It’s the biggest known payout by the nation’s largest Medicaid insurer over its drug pricing practices.”

Centene to Pay $166 Million to Texas in Medicaid Drug Pricing Settlement

Kaiser Health News | Andy Miller, Samantha Young | September 19, 2022



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