Weekly News Roundup for Sep 18, 2023


Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“Here are some answers to questions about what you can do if you lose coverage, including how to appeal.”

Thousands of Californians Are Losing Medi-Cal Every Month. What to Do If You Lose Coverage

CalMatters | Shreya Agrawal | September 18, 2023

“Yes, there is something inherently unjust about loading people up with debt for simply seeking healthcare treatment.”

Industry Voices — Medical Debt Isn’t About Money. It’s About Health

Fierce Healthcare | Sachin Jain, Eric Hunter | September 15, 2023

“Martin’s Point received extra Medicare funding by means of exaggerating the seriousness of illnesses of older patients in its care.” 

Big Privatized Healthcare Fraud in Maine

CounterPunch | W.T. Whitney | September 14, 2023

“The costs are projected to go up from the current $164.90 to $174.80, a nearly $10 increase per month.”

Medicare Premiums Are Going Up in 2024. Here’s How Much

CNET | Katie Teague | September 14, 2023

“The measure would ban co-pays over $35 for a 30-day supply of insulin and prohibit health plans from imposing a deductible on insulin prescriptions.”

Proposed $35 Price Cap on Insulin Heads to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Desk

CBS News | September 13, 2023

“The prices that patients paid was based on the cost of the drug before rebates, while what plans paid was the cost after rebates.”

GAO: Drug Rebates Don’t Lower Costs for Medicare Patients

Managed Healthcare Executive | Denise Myshko | September 12, 2023

“Overall, seniors were ‘inundated’ with advertising about MA plans, Medigap supplemental coverage and prescription drug plans, and many didn’t know how to file complaints about inappropriate marketing….”

Low-Income Seniors More Likely to Report Fraudulent Marketing from Private Medicare Plans

Healthcare Dive | Emily Olsen | September 12, 2023

“Hospitals and collection agencies are making a killing on it, eroding trust in the health care system and leading countless patients into financial ruin in the process.”

Medical Debt Collection Is a Vicious Multibillion-Dollar Industry in the US

Jacobin | Sara Van Horn, Cal Turner | September 12, 2023

“In July 2023, the US House of Representatives made bold and decisive moves to erode gender-affirming health care coverage…. The three bills will ban virtually all federal sources from covering gender-affirming hormones and surgeries.”

The House 2024 Appropriations Bills: Two Steps Back For Transgender Health Equity

Health Affairs | Gray Babbs, Em Balkan, Jae Downing Corman, David J. Meyers | September 11, 2023



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