Weekly News Roundup for Sep 16, 2024


New Code WACK! episode

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Anthony Wright


Patient-Centered Health Care?
The Fight to Change Our
Disempowering System


Featuring Anthony Wright
Executive Director
Families USA






Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on the outrageous hassles patients face when dealing with America’s callous healthcare system. Subscribe below!



“…our nation deserves a genuine Medicare for all: a single-payer healthcare system that’s publicly financed, and that provides individuals with comprehensive care and choice in selecting providers”

The Growing Case for Medicare for All

CounterPunch | Andrew Moss | September 16, 2024

“This is a national problem, people are getting millions and millions of these bills.”

‘Making Peoples’ Lives Hell’: When He Couldn’t Pay for Cancer Treatment, the Hospital Sued

NBC News | Gretchen Morgenson | September 14, 2024

“…administrative costs now make up more than 40% of hospital total patient care expenses, and care denials increased 20.2% and 55.7% for commercial and Medicare Advantage claims, respectively, between 2022 and 2023.”

Payer-Provider Contract Negotiations are Getting Nasty Amid Rising Denials, Expenses

Healthcare Brew | Caroline Catherman | September 13, 2024

“…a 65-year-old retiring this year can expect to spend an average of $165,000 in health care and medical expenses throughout retirement.”

Retiree Health Care Costs Rise to New High, Study Finds

Insurance News Net | Ayo Mseka | September 12, 2024

“Signing up for health insurance coverage is often a complex process and requires the applicant to meet specific eligibility criteria. … This leaves most working-age adults (aged 19 to 64) with limited options for affordable health insurance coverage, making them susceptible to becoming uninsured.”

A Decade of Change: Health Insurance Coverage of Working-Age Adults by State in 2013, 2019, 2023

US Census Bureau | Kelly Holder, Caitlin Carter, Douglas Conway | September 12, 2024

“The share of total health plan costs paid by employees, an average of 21%, is expected to remain about the same in 2025….”

US Employers Expect Nearly 6% Spike in Health Insurance Costs in 2025, Mercer Says

Reuters | Amina Niasse | September 12, 2024

“It’s not often these days that I see such enormous broad-based agreement across party lines around an issue, but that’s what this data says about price transparency in healthcare….”

9 Out of 10 Voters Support Real Hospital, Insurer Price Transparency: Poll

The Hill | Joseph Choi | September 9, 2024

“It shouldn’t be harder for you to find a provider that can treat your eating disorder than it is to find a provider that can treat your ulcer.”

Biden Administration Finalizes Rules to Ensure Insurers Pay for Mental Health Care

Stat |  Lev Facher | September 9, 2024



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!