Weekly News Roundup for Sep 11, 2023


Zoom Webinar


“Civil Rights, Medicare, the Desegregation of
American Hospitals,
and the
Menace of ‘Value-Based’ Care”


Featuring Linda Phenix, 

Texas Task Force to Protect Medicare from Privatization


Click to Register

Wednesday, September 13 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET

(30 minute presentation) 


Sponsor: National Single Payer



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“The threat that any intervention … will chill innovation is used as a hammer on policymakers to deter even modest regulatory initiatives.”

“Innovation Bullying” in Drug Policy

Health Affairs | Cynthia Ho & Liza Vertinsky | September 11, 2023



“…the health care giant illegally disposed of thousands of private medical records, hazardous materials and medical waste, including blood and body parts, in dumpsters headed to local landfills….”

Kaiser to Pay $49 Million to California for Illegally Dumping Private Medical Records, Medical Waste

Associated Press | Olga R. Rodriguez | September 8, 2023

“…the bill proposes cutting $7 billion from the Medicaid Improvement Fund — which specifically seeks to improve the parts of Medicaid that provide hospital and medical insurance — as well as $8 billion for the next two years from Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital payments going to hospitals that serve large portions of those who are on Medicaid or uninsured.”

House Lawmakers Unveil Bipartisan Legislation Tackling Health Care Cost and Price Transparency

The Hill | Joseph Choi | September 8, 2023

“Fifteen percent of people appointed to the HHS between 2004 and 2020 were employed in the private sector immediately before joining the department. After their tenure, 32% exited to industry positions…”

‘Revolving Door’ Between HHS and Industry Could Influence Regulation, Study Says

Healthcare Dive | Emily Olsen | September 7, 2023

“The program, which will run for 11 years, includes fixed payments for hospitals called ‘hospital global budgets’ to ameliorate fee-for-service incentives….”

CMS Creates All-Payer Funding Opportunity for States

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 6, 2023

“The slower growth in Medicare spending is a combination of developments we understand well, such as improved cardiovascular health due to increased control of blood pressure and cholesterol—preventive care—and factors that we do not understand well…”

Huge Decline in Spending on Medicare Begs the Question: Why?

Fierce Healthcare | Frank Diamond | September 6, 2023

“The government expects to claw back roughly $4.7 billion over the next decade by recouping payments from cases where payers inflated patients’ sickness to garner higher reimbursement from the government.”

Humana Sues HHS Over Medicare Advantage Audits

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | September 5, 2023

“Consolidation between primary care physicians and large health systems led to increased costs per patient, according to a new study published in JAMA Health Forum.”

Patients ‘Steered’ Toward Health Systems, More Costly Treatment After Vertical Consolidation, Study Finds

Healthcare Dive | Susanna Vogel | September 5, 2023



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