Weekly News Roundup for Oct 2, 2023


Online Education & Discussion


Death vs. Dollars – 
Is Our Health an Individual or a Collective Responsibility?

October 10 from 12 to 1 pm PT
Sponsored by SF Bay Area League of Women Voters
Featuring Dr. Sarah Rudman and Kimi Watkins-Tartt

Click to register



Libby Medicare and the Public Health Emergency in East Palestine

October 11 at 5PM PT / 8PM ET
Sponsored by National Single Payer
Featuring Activist Jessica Conrad

Click to register



Open Season: Corporate Health Insurers Targeting Seniors! 

Monday, October 16 at 1 pm PT / 4 PM ET
Sponsored by Physicians for a National Health Program

Click to register




Online Discussion of Documentary: Sick Around the World

October 22 from 4 to 6 pm
Sponsored by Community Documentary Night 
& Physicians for a National Health Program
Featuring T R Reid

Click to register for discussion

Click to watch the documentary on Youtube (free)



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on the outrageous hassles patients face when dealing with America’s callous healthcare system. Subscribe below!



“‘As there is no constitutional right (or requirement) to engage in business with the government, the consequences of that participation cannot be considered a constitutional violation,’ wrote U.S. District Judge Michael Newman.”

US Judge Refuses to Block Medicare from Negotiating Drug Prices

Reuters | Brendan Pierson | September 29, 2023

“…will Medicare For All ever make a comeback? It seems likely that it will.”

Whatever Happened to Medicare for All?

Insurance News Net | Charisse Vaughn | September 29, 2023

“In 2022 alone, nearly 50,000 people died by suicide in the US, an increase of about 2.6% from the year before.”

The US Has a Mental Health Crisis That Could Undermine Our Democracy, US Surgeons General Say

CNN | Jen Christensen | September 28, 2023

“European Union officials are in talks to potentially buy Moderna doses for around 25 euros apiece, the equivalent of around $26.30 … roughly one-third of what the United States is paying.”

Did the Government Get a Bad Deal on the Covid-19 Boosters?

Stat | Rachel Cohrs | September 28, 2023

“Analysts found that employed women have as much as $15.4 billion more in out-of-pocket healthcare expenses per year than men….”

Employed Women’s Out-of-Pocket Health Costs $15.4B Higher Than Men

Becker’s Hospital Review | Alexis Kayser | September 27, 2023

“On the politics of ransom, and why there is no substitute for free universal healthcare.”

Why Medical Debt Forgiveness Drives Are Not Enough

Current Affairs | Luke Messac | September 26, 2023

“We squandered one of the greatest achievements in antipoverty policy this nation has ever known.” 

California Will Fail to Address Poverty As Long As False Narratives Shape the Policies

CalMatters | Devon Gray | September 26, 2023

“…two influential medical groups with … Scripps Health are cancelling their Medicare Advantage contracts for 2024 because of low reimbursement and prior authorization hassles….”

Two Large Medical Groups Shun Medicare Advantage Plans

Medpage Today | Cheryl Clark | September 25, 2023



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and the impact they have on vulnerable individuals and communities. 


Our podcast Code WACK! brings to life the failures of America’s healthcare system with stories, commentary and analysis. 

Our Weekly News Roundup shares news and views about health policy, health equity and healthcare reform (from non-paywalled news sources) 

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Our Resources page provides a wealth of additional resources including links to legislation and studies.


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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!