Weekly News Roundup for Oct 16, 2023


Online Education & Discussion


Online Discussion of Documentary: Sick Around the World

October 22 from 4 to 6 pm
Sponsored by Community Documentary Night 
& Physicians for a National Health Program
Featuring T R Reid

Click to register for discussion

Click to watch the documentary on Youtube (free)




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“More than half of seniors will sign up for a private version of Medicare this open enrollment. What happened?”

The subtle privatization of Medicare

Vox | Dylan Scott | October 16, 2023

“…many insurers continue to charge higher copayments for mental health care, limit the frequency of mental health treatment, or impose more restrictive prior authorization policies…”

Insurers often shortchange mental health care coverage, despite a federal law

USA Today | Nada Hassanein of KFF Health News | October 15, 2023

“The state has one of the country’s highest maternal mortality rates. Now, three hospitals plan to stop delivering babies, putting some pregnant women at even higher risk.”

Driving 100 miles in labor; giving birth in the ER: Fears rise as 3 maternity units prepare to close in Alabama

NBC News | Bracey Harris | October 15, 2023

“Questions regarding Retton’s insurance status persist, and while speculation exists, the exact reasons behind her lack of coverage remain unclear.” 

Mary Lou Retton and the question on everyone’s mind: Why didn’t an Olympic champion have health insurance?

Marca | LW | October 14, 2023


“A union coalition for Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers reached a tentative labor deal with the hospital system on Friday that included across-the-board wage increases after 75,000 members took part in a three-day strike last week.”

Kaiser Permanente, union coalition reach tentative deal after strike

Reuters | Leroy Leo and Manas Mishra | October 13, 2023


“Pointing to the capitalist system as the source of abuse and her torment, Smith concluded, ‘You use and exploit us to line your pockets, using the common citizen’s money for overpriced healthcare….’”

Young Ohio nurse leaves behind suicide letter naming for-profit healthcare system “My Abuser”

WSWS | Liz Cabrera | October 13, 2023

“The election results, which must still be certified, could prove a watershed moment in the increasingly consolidated health care industry, as doctors look to unions to claw back power over their practices usurped in recent years by sprawling health conglomerates.”

Allina Health clinicians vote by overwhelming margin to unionize in historic election

Minnesota Reformer | Max Nesterak | October 13, 2023

“…allowing this well-established generic medication to become patented and hence unaffordable to some has the potential to produce significant harm.”

A Price Jump From Pennies to $20/Pill for the Same Drug

MedPage Today | Robert M Kaplan, PhD, & Michael H Weisman, MD | October 12, 2023


“California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed SB 770, a law that kick-starts the process to secure a statewide single-payer health system. It’s the first such move by a state.”

California law signals ongoing push for single-payer system

Roll Call | Sandhya Raman | October 11, 2023




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