Weekly News Roundup for Nov 7, 2022



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“…the ‘[family] glitch’ impacts an estimated 615,000 people in California, mostly women and children from low and middle-income families.”

More People Will Be Eligible For Health Insurance Through Covered California

Cal-Matters | Elizabeth Aguilera | November 7, 2022

“…despite paying more for coverage, year in and year out, the value of employer-sponsored coverage diminishes every year because of hikes in out-of-pocket obligations.” 

As Health Insurance Premiums and Out-of-Pocket Obligations Increase, So Does the Number Of Americans Who Are “Functionally Uninsured”

Wendell Potter Now | November 3, 2022

“Cigna’s last blockbuster acquisition deal was in 2018
when it acquired standalone pharmacy benefit manager Express Scripts for $67 billion….”

Cigna Faces Questions About M&A Strategy Amid ‘Arms Race’ for Deals

Healthcare Dive | Samantha Liss | November 3, 2022

“Medicare Advantage is on track to capture more than half of the Medicare market by next year. As the program grows, misleading marketing practices undermine enrollees’ trust in the program.”

Senate Dems Urge Action on False Medicare Marketing

Axios | Maya Goldman | November 3, 2022

“Someone is going to have to pay for the coming cost surge. … Each industry group is fighting like hell to make sure it isn’t them.”

The Next Health Care Wars Are About Costs

Axios | Caitlin Owens | November 2, 2022

“Despite posting a net loss in the quarter the company attributed to opioid litigation charges, CVS’ shares advanced in early morning trading on Wednesday. The company increased its full-year forecast on the results.”

CVS Agrees to Pay $5B to Resolve Opioid-Related Lawsuits

Healthcare Dive | Rebecca Pifer | November 2, 2022

“‘Restrictions on access to abortion and related care will worsen existing gaps in health disparities and outcomes,’ a letter from the AMA read.”

Abortion Bans Are Barring People From Life-Saving Pregnancy Care, Medical Groups Warn

The 19th | Shefali Luthra | November 1, 2022



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