Weekly News Roundup for May 29, 2023


Action Alerts


Zoom Webinar with Wendell Potter
Lies, Fraud, Naked Profiteering in
Medicare Privatization Schemes

Monday June 5 at 5 pm PT

Register Here

Sponsored by Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action


Urge your California legislators to sponsor and vote for 

SB770, “Unified Health Care Financing”

Up for full Senate Vote before 6/2/23

Click to look up your California representatives 




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“The large number of terminations on procedural grounds suggests that many people may be losing their coverage even though they are still qualified for it…. Many of those who have been dropped have been children.”

“Enormous Policy Failure”: States Throw Hundreds of Thousands — Including Children — Off Medicaid

Salon | Jake Johnson | May 29, 2023

“Humana is the most prominent example of how insurers have built a major cash cow out of systematically overbilling Medicare Advantage….”

The For-Profit Takeover of Medicare Is a Huge Scam

Jacobin | Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Andrew Perez | May 26, 2023

“President Joe Biden’s administration … cut off Tennessee’s Title X funds after determining the state health department — which oversees its clinics and was awarded $7.1 million last year — violated federal rules by not counseling patients about abortion.” 

A Catch-22 for Clinics: State Bans Limit Abortion Counseling. Federal Title X Rules Require It.

Kaiser Health News | Rachana Pradhan | May 26, 2023

“…7 out of 10 hospice agencies are now for-profit, putting profit maximization over patient well-being.”

Profit-Obsessed Private Equity Is Now Dominating the US Hospice System

Jacobin | Lily Meyersohn | May 25, 2023

“To move vascular procedures out of expensive hospitals, the government turbocharged payments to doctors’ offices. Instead of saving money, it started a boom that is making doctors rich and putting patients in danger.”

In the “Wild West” of Outpatient Vascular Care, Doctors Can Reap Huge Payments as Patients Risk Life and Limb

ProPublica | Annie Waldman | May 24, 2023

“Groundbreaking study finds 1.63 million excess deaths in U.S. Black population over 22 years.”

How Black Americans Lost 80 Million Years of Life Over the Past Two Decades

MedPage Today | Emily Hutto | May 24, 2023

“…the large disparities among racial groups can’t be explained just by genetics … the sheer trauma of experiencing racism is also believed to be a contributing factor.”

5 Takeaways from AP’s Series on Health Disparities Impacting Black Americans

Associated Press | Kat Stafford | May 23, 2023

“The function of a rational and humane healthcare system is to provide quality care for all as a human right. It is not to make tens of billions of dollars every year for the insurance companies and the drug companies.”

It’s Time to Guarantee Health Care for All Americans as a Human Right

CounterPunch | Bernie Sanders | May 23, 2023

“Medicare Advantage plans lure customers with television ads promising plans with dental, vision and hearing benefits that traditional Medicare doesn’t offer….“

Medicare Advantage Supplemental Health Plans Draw Scrutiny

Roll Call |  Jessie Hellmann | May 22, 2023



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!