Weekly News Roundup for May 13, 2024

Action Alert!


California Assembly Appropriations Committee Hearing:

9:30 am on May 15, 2022
AB 2200, Guaranteed Health Care for All
1021 O Street, Room 1100, Sacramento, CA


Committee Assembly Member Contact Info (District)


Buffy Wicks (Chair) (14)


Kate Sanchez (Vice-Chair) (71)


Dr. Joaquin Arambula (31) 


Matt Haney (17)


Isaac Bryan (55)


Gregg Hart (37)     


Lisa Calderon (56) 


Jim Patterson (08)


Wendy Carrillo (52)     


Gail Pellerin (28)


Diane Dixon (72)      


Tri Ta (70)


Mike Fong (49)   


Carlos Villapudua (13)  


Timothy Grayson (15)    




New Code WACK! episode

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From Rage to Gratitude:
A Mother’s Harrowing Journey
to Save Her Daughter
(And Herself)


Featuring Rebecca Wood
Healthcare Advocate





Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“…in the post-pandemic era, it’s become clear that having insurance is only the first step toward receiving quality care.”

U.S. Health Care is Increasingly Like a Casino

Axios | Caitlin Owens | May 12, 2024



“The price of healthcare for American families under Trump would skyrocket, while millions would lose access to healthcare altogether.” 

Health Care Leaders Warn Millions Will Lose Coverage Under Trump Presidency

Newsweek | Suzanne Blake | May 10, 2024



“The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Thursday it has established a new task force to take on healthcare monopolies and collusion.”

Justice Department ‘Upping Its Game’ on Healthcare Antitrust Enforcement with New Task Force

Fierce Healthcare | Heather Landi | May 9, 2024



“Missouri now joins Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas, … as states that have blocked [Planned Parenthood] from receiving Medicaid funding.”

Missouri Cuts Off Medicaid Funds from Planned Parenthood

The Hill | Lauren Irwin | May 9, 2024



“Virtually all — 98% — had health insurance at the time the debt was incurred.”

Nearly Half of Cancer Patients Have Medical Debt, Despite Most Being Insured

NBC News | Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | May 9, 2024



Republican Study Committee (RSC) “…changes would include the transformation of Medicare to a voucher system. Seniors would be given a stipend to purchase private health insurance. The federal entitlement to Medicaid would end.”

Healthcare in America’s Future: Trump versus Biden

Insurance News Net | The Gettysburg Times | May 9, 2024


“Rather than cooperating, [Medicare and Medicaid] follow rules that create incentives for each partner to shift costs to the other, while patients are stuck in the middle….“ 

It’s Time To End The Medicare-Medicaid Merry-Go-Round

The Hill | Rachel M. Werner | May 9, 2024


“Still, officials warn that policy changes are needed lest the programs become unable to pay full benefits to retiring Americans.”

Medicare and Social Security Go-Broke Dates Are Pushed Back in a ‘Measure of Good News’

Associated Press | Fatima Hussein, Tom Murphy | May 6, 2024




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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!