Weekly News Roundup for Jun 28, 2023



Senator Scott Wiener’s SB 770 passed the Assembly Health Committee
on June 27th.

“SB 770 requires the California Secretary of Health to engage in waiver discussions with the federal government on a concrete timeline toward the establishment of a unified healthcare financing system.” Senator Wiener




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“Tens of millions of Americans live in communities where they cannot find a doctor or dentist, even when they have insurance, while others have to wait months to get seen.”

Our Primary Healthcare System is a Mess. I Have a Plan to Fix It.

The Guardian | Senator Bernie Sanders | June 28, 2023

“…for the first time, much of the revenue will be spent to improve the state’s publicly subsidized health care system….”

California Strikes Huge Deal Unlocking Billions for Health Care

Politico | Rachel Bluth | June 24, 2023

“Follow the money. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most powerful political forces in America.”

The Greed of Big Pharma Cannot Continue

Bernie Sanders | June 23, 2023

“Overturning a half-century of constitutionally protected rights is not something that most of us have experience with and the gap between what the experts could imagine last year and what they watched actually unfold reflects that.”

‘I Underestimated the Depth of Outrage’: A Year in Post-Roe America

Politico | June 23, 2023

“…new research … shows that medical debt is also common in one younger and healthier population: women who have just had a baby.”

The Staggering Financial Burden of Giving Birth — Even with Insurance

Stat | Aaron Birnbaum, Matthew Makansi | June 23, 2023

“…more than 1.3 million Americans have already lost coverage, and nearly one million have lost their health insurance for arbitrary reasons, not because they aren’t eligible.”

Millions of Americans Are Being Kicked Off Medicaid for No Reason

Jacobin | Andrew Perez, Nick Byron Campbell | June 23, 2023

“Medicaid applicants should also be aware of what is known as a ‘spenddown.’ A spenddown occurs when a Medicaid application is filed for an applicant that has assets over the qualification amounts of $109,560 for a married couple and $2,000 for an individual.”

The Cost of Aging is Astronomical: A Deeper Look at How to Afford to Live Out Your Golden Years

National Law Review | June 20, 2023

“An analysis of how much the [health insurance] companies have used our premiums and tax dollars to buy back shares of their own stock showed that they spent a combined $141 billion on share repurchases between 2007 and 2022.”

Health Insurers Are Boosting CEO Pay to Astronomical Heights While Their Customers Suffer

Jacobin | Wendell Potter | June 20, 2023



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