Weekly News Roundup for Jul 22, 2024


New Code WACK! episode

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Jodi Reid


Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?
How Our Long-Term
Care Policies Fail Us

Featuring Jodi Reid,
California Alliance for Retired Americans




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“She has positioned herself as tougher on the health care industry than Biden by endorsing a transition to Medicare for All (though she still envisioned some sort of role for private plans).”

Kamala Harris, Endorsed By Biden to Replace Him, Is Left of the President on Health Care

Stat | Rachel Cohrs Zhang, Sarah Owermohle | July 21, 2024

“Medicare Advantage enrollees only find out the downsides when they eventually have significant medical needs that require large co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses.”

Commentary: Medicare Advantage Plans Are Hurting the Health Care System

Times Union | David Ray | July 21, 2024

“This near-record trend is driven by inflationary pressure, prescription drug spending and behavioral health utilization….”

Healthcare Costs on Pace to Rise 8% Over the Next Year

Healthcare Finance News | Jeff Lagasse | July 19, 2024

“Pandemic-era policies reduced cost burdens, allowing more patients to seek care.”

Fewer US Adults Put Off Seeking Medical Care Due to Cost During COVID, Study Finds

Healthcare Brew | Maia Anderson | July 18, 2024

“Fewer than half of all U.S. adults with mental disorders receive treatment, and … those with common behavioral disorders face high out-of-pocket costs because many psychiatrists don’t participate in insurance networks.”

Medical Debt Fuels Mental Health Treatment Gap

Axios | Adriel Bettelheim | July 18, 2024

“Americans spend an average of $12,555 per person annually on health care, according to the Peterson-KFF Health Care Tracker. By comparison, typical health care spending across other developed nations is about $6,651….”

Americans Spend More on Health Care Than Any Other Nation. Yet Almost Half Can’t Afford Care.

CBS News | Aimee Picchi, Editor Alain Sherter | July 17, 2024

“UnitedHealth Group … continues to show how rewarding it is for shareholders when corporate lawyers find loopholes in well-intentioned legislation — and game the Medicare Advantage program….”

Private Medicare Plans and Vertical Integration Yield UnitedHealth $15.8 Billion in Profits Between January and June

Health Care un-Covered| Wendell Potter | July 16, 2024

“…left unchecked, insurance company profiteering … could have a devastating impact on physicians across the country — most particularly physicians who work in small- and medium-sized community-based practices.”

Insurance Company ‘Profiteering’ Could Have ‘Devastating Impact’ on Physicians, ACR Warns HHS

Radiology Business | Marty Stempniak | July 15, 2024



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