Weekly News Roundup for Jul 17, 2023

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Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“A major proposal from Gov. Gavin Newsom to overhaul the state’s behavioral and mental health system is likely to take nearly $720 million away from services provided by county governments annually….”

Gavin Newsom’s Mental Health Plan Could Strip More Than $700 Million from Services, Report Says

CalMatters | Kristen Hwang | July 17, 2023

“KFF’s analysis shows that in the six states that report Medicaid disenrollments by age — Arkansas, Arizona, Virginia, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Washington — roughly a third of those removed from the lifesaving program since April are children.”

Medicaid Purge Has Affected at Least 2.1 Million People — Including Many Children

Truthout | Jake Johnson | July 15, 2023

“…it squeezed more revenue out of customers served through its Optum Health business, which runs clinics, outpatient surgery centers and provides home care … treating more people through value-based care arrangements….”

UnitedHealth Shares Rally as Health Care Giant Beats 2Q Forecasts, Eases Care Use Concerns

Associated Press | Tom Murphy | July 14, 2023

“Currently, Medicare beneficiaries are only guaranteed access to daily oral PrEP through Part D, facing out-of-pocket costs….”

Medicare Proposes Coverage for PrEP Without Patient Cost Sharing

Fierce Healthcare | Noah Tong | July 13, 2023

“The bill would require taxpayers making more than $400,000 annually to contribute more to Medicare, while closing legal loopholes and also ensuring ‘that wealthy owners of pass-through businesses like hedge funds and private equity firms with more than $400,000 in annual income cannot avoid Medicare taxes.’”

Dems’ Wealth Tax Bill Would Extend Social Security Solvency by 75+ Years: Analysis

Common Dreams | Brett Wilkins | July 11, 2023

“Since the 1990s, insulin manufacturers have raised prices many times over for U.S. patients, as much as 1100%, despite their products remaining largely unchanged, and low production costs.”

Advocates Push Schumer to Go Further to Lower Insulin Prices

Public Citizen | July 10, 2023



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