Weekly News Roundup for Jan 23, 2023


Action Alerts


Webinar: Register Here


“Exposing the profiteers behind Medicare REACH”

Thursday, January 26th 
9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Sponsored by Physicians for a National Health Program





Zoom: Register Here


Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All National Organizing Call

Tuesday, January 31
5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET


Sponsored by National Nurses United




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“…as Americans die because they cannot afford the medications they need, five of the largest drug companies in the U.S. made nearly $80 billion in profits last year….”

Greedy Pharma Firms Rip Off Americans While Pfizer, Moderna Swim in Profits

Fox News | Senator Bernie Sanders | January 23, 2023

ACO REACH “provides an opportunity for healthcare insurers with a history of defrauding and abusing Medicare and ripping off taxpayers to further encroach on the Medicare system.

‘Cancel This Failed Experiment’: Physicians Tell Biden HHS to End Medicare Privatization Pilot

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | January 20, 2023

“Only 19% of hospitals fully comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rule that requires facilities to post estimated costs for items and services….”

Study Finds Hospitals Are Still Not Posting Prices

Axios | Arielle Dreher | January 19, 2023

“If you don’t believe corporate greed has deadly consequences, take a look at the decline in American life expectancy. We need Medicare for All, and we must raise the minimum wage.” —Rep. Ro Khanna

‘We Need Medicare for All’: Record Number in US Postponed Healthcare in 2022

Common Dreams | Kenny Stancil | January 18, 2023

“We still have 11 states resisting Medicaid expansion, and that leaves a big, gaping hole in coverage in those states. But that’s not for lack of trying by the Biden administration.”

Numbers Don’t Lie. Biden Kept His Promise on Improving Obamacare.

Kaiser Health News | Julie Appleby | January 18, 2023

“Overall, more than 600 rural hospitals — nearly 30% of rural hospitals nationwide — are at risk of closing in the near future, according to the report.”

Hundreds of Hospitals Could Close Across Rural America

US News & World Report | Dennis Thompson | January 16, 2023

“Certain payers would need to include a specific reason when denying requests, publicly report certain prior authorization metrics and send decisions within 72 hours to seven days, depending on the level of urgency, which is twice as fast as the existing Medicare Advantage response time limit.”

Current Prior Authorization Practices Are Adding to Burnout, Surgeon General Says

Healthcare Finance | Susan Morse | January 18, 2023

“Three primary focuses of OHCA include analyzing the healthcare market for cost trends and drivers of spending, enforcing healthcare cost targets, and conducting cost and market impact reviews of proposed healthcare consolidations.” 

California Office Of Health Care Affordability’s ‘Affordability Board’ to Begin Regular Meetings This Year

State of Reform | Hannah Saunders | January 17, 2023

“These are ten worst instances of bad faith in health care in 2022, according to the Lown Institute.”

‘Producing the Poison and Selling the Cure’: Group Ranks Health Care Industry’s Lowlights in 2022

USA Today | Orlando Mayorquin | January 14, 2023



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!