Weekly News Roundup for Feb 27, 2023


Action Alerts


Webinar: Register Here (required)


Best Care in the US: 

What National Single Payer Activists
Need to Know About VA Health Care


Thursday, March 16

8 pm ET, 5 pm PT

Sponsored by National Single Payer


Featured Speakers: 

Lakiesha Lloyd (Common Defense), Bruce Carruthers (Veterans for Peace), Suzanne Gordon (Senior Policy Fellow at the Veterans’ Health Care Policy Institute), and Dr. Jim Martin (emergency medicine physician, James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center).



Rally at Congressman
Kevin McCarthy’s Office


National Day of Action
to protect, improve and expand
Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security


Click here for event flyer with more details

Click here for free bus signup


Friday, March 17
Action starts at 12:30 pm 

Sponsored by California Alliance for Retired Americans



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on the outrageous hassles patients face when dealing with America’s callous healthcare system. Subscribe below!




“The high-speed effort in Arkansas, where more than a third of the state’s 3 million people are on Medicaid, offers an early glimpse at the potential disruption in store for the country….”

Why One State’s Plan to Unwind a Covid-Era Medicaid Rule Is Raising Red Flags

Politico | Megan Messerly | February 27, 2023

“The insurer will continue its government-backed programs like Medicaid, Medicare Advantage and military and specialty insurance….”

Humana to Exit Employer Insurance Business to Focus on Government Plans

Reuters | February 23, 2023

“The whole point of the union’s campaign for CalCare is both universal care at a lower cost than insurers impose — by eliminating them and their overhead — and, as NNU keeps saying, to ‘put patients before profits.'”

California Nurses Recharge Their Fight for Medicare For All

People’s World | Mark Gruenberg | February 23, 2023

“If I am insured and struggle this much, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for those who are uninsured and not eligible for government assistance.”

U.S. Healthcare is a Failure

The Reflector | Olivia Cameron | February 22, 2023

“…the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released two rules aimed at reducing overpayments to Advantage plans while increasing oversight…. But those rules are being framed by Republicans as cuts to Medicare….”

Insurers, Republicans Square Off with Biden on Medicare ‘Cuts’

Roll Call | Jessie Hellmann | February 22, 2023

“This is money for which every penny in the account could right now be used to bring down the cost of health care for Californians, but instead the governor is choosing to sweep that money out of the account.”

Is California Breaking Its Promise to Cut Health Care Costs?

CalMatters |  Kristen Hwang | February 21, 2023

“Once eligibility checks resume, as many as 18 million people are expected to lose coverage….

About 7 million of those people are expected to gain coverage through the individual markets or employer-sponsored plans, though 8 million will not and will likely become uninsured….”

Medicaid Enrollees Largely Unaware of Upcoming Redeterminations, Survey Finds

Healthcare Dive | Hailey Mensik | February 21, 2023

“…the entire industry involves a struggle over the kinds of customers it attracts.”

The Paradox of the Insurance Business

MIT Technology Review | Peter Dizikes | February 21, 2023



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!