Weekly News Roundup for Feb 20, 2023


Action Alerts


Zoom Educational Forum: Register Here


Delivering Birth Justice


Why is giving birth in the U.S. so dangerous and costly,
and what can we do about it? 


Tuesday, February 21 (90 minutes)

7:30 pm ET, 6:30 pm CT, 5:30 pm MT, 4:30 pm PT

Sponsored by PNHP NY Metro



Save the Date: March 17, 2023


Rally at Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s Office


National Day of Action
to protect, improve and expand
Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security


Click here for event flyer with more details

Click here for free bus signup


Friday, March 17
Action starts at 12:30 pm
Sponsored by California Alliance for Retired Americans



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on the outrageous hassles patients face when dealing with America’s callous healthcare system. Subscribe below!




“The richest Black mothers and their babies are twice as likely to die as the richest white mothers and their babies.”

Childbirth Is Deadlier for Black Families Even When They’re Rich, Expansive Study Finds

New York Times | Claire Cain Miller, Sarah Kliff, Larry Buchanan | February 12, 2023

“They want to extract as much money as possible from your healthy body. Then when you’re no longer healthy, they want you to die as quickly as possible….”

‘They Want You to Die As Quickly As Possible’: Doctor Issues PSA About ‘The Truth’ of Health Insurance Companies

Daily Dot | Jack Alban | February 18, 2023

“Senators pilloried the lack of transparency from pharmacy benefit managers….”

Senators Question Why PBMs ‘Even Exist’ in Heated Hearing Amid Push for Reform

Fierce Healthcare | Robert King | February 16, 2023

“…in the next decade there will be a shortage of more than 120,000 doctors as well as a massive need for 450,000 nurses within the next two years.”

Senate Panel Launches Effort to Shore Up Health Workforce and Ease Crippling Shortages

Fierce Healthcare | Robert King | February 16, 2023

“A tentative administration plan would provide vaccines, treatments and tests at no charge into next year.”

White House Mulls Post-Covid Emergency Backstop for Uninsured

Politico | Adam Cancryn, David Lim | February 16, 2023

“The payment programs, if enacted, would become some of the Biden administration’s most notable drug pricing policies made without Congress….

The Administration’s Next Crack at Lower Drug Prices

Axios | Maya Goldman, Caitlin Owens | February 15, 2023

“…one of many indicators about how broken the United States healthcare system is: Guns seem to be easier and cheaper to access than treatment for the wounds they cause.”

Americans Still Want — And Need — Medicare for All

In These Times | Sonali Kolhatkar | February 14, 2023

“Still, unpaid medical bills account for more than half of all debt in collections, according to the White House report. As a result, medical debt exceeds credit cards, personal loans and utilities and phone bills combined.”

18% Drop Since 2020 in People with Reported Medical Debt

Associated Press | Josh Boak | February 14, 2023

“Medicare Advantage is a scam. That’s why conservatives love it.”

Republicans Furiously Defend Insurance Company Looting of Medicare

The American Prospect | Ryan Cooper | February 13, 2023

“‘Waiting on a health plan to authorize necessary medical treatment is too often a hazard to patient health,’ said Dr. Resneck.”

Medical Societies Unite in Support Prior Authorization Reforms

AMA Press Release | February 13, 2023



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!