Weekly News Roundup for Dec 26, 2022



Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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“Millions of Americans gained Medicaid coverage during the pandemic. Starting next year, millions are likely to lose it.”

Millions of Americans to Lose Medicaid Coverage Starting Next Year

CBS News | Irina Ivanova | December 26, 2022

“That decrease follows an already big decline of 1.8 years in 2020. As a result, the expected life span of someone born in the U.S. is now 76.4 years — the shortest it has been in nearly two decades.”

American Life Expectancy Is Now at Its Lowest in Nearly Two Decades

NPR | Yuki Noguchi | December 22, 2022

“… the push to reinvigorate laws restricting the corporate practice of medicine has plenty of skeptics … the profit motive has penetrated every corner of health care and … nearly 70% of physicians in the U.S. are now employed by corporations and hospitals.”

ER Doctors Call Private Equity Staffing Practices Illegal and Seek to Ban Them

Kaiser Health News | Bernard J. Wolfson | December 22, 2022

“It seems that the United States has learned nothing from the early months of the pandemic when our healthcare system broke along the fissures created by corporate models of profit-based medicine.”

Fixing the Broken American Healthcare System Is Not Actually Hard

AlterNet | Sonali Kolhatkarand | December 21, 2022

“At a time of great crisis for reproductive health in this country, Congress has again utterly failed to safeguard access to the birth control and sexual health services made possible by the nation’s family planning program.”

First Post-Roe Spending Bill Includes No Funding Boost for Family Planning, Angering Groups

Politico | Alice Miranda Ollstein | December 20, 2022

“This is just preparing the country to have a really bad response the next time something breaks out.”

Congress’ Pandemic Prep Effort Receives Mixed Reviews

Axios | Peter Sullivan | December 21, 2022

“…the result was an increasingly concentrated market in which a handful of Wall Street-backed companies have the power to control how emergency medicine is practised and paid for.” 

Bitter Medicine: Private Equity Moves into Hospital ERs

Financial Times | Mark Vandevelde | December 19, 2022



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