Weekly News Roundup for Apr 17, 2023


Action Alerts


Senate Health Committee
Hearing on SB770

“Unified Health Care Financing”


Author: Senator Scott Wiener (D-SF)

Wednesday, April 19 at 1:30 pm

State Capitol

1021 O Street, Room 1100, Sacramento, CA


If you can’t attend in person, testify by phone:  

877-226-8163, Access Code: 7362834


Click  forTeleconference Instructions



Documentary Film Screening



See the trailer!


Click for California screenings (including panel discussions)

And here for screenings everywhere else




Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on the outrageous hassles patients face when dealing with America’s callous healthcare system. Subscribe below!



“At issue is whether hundreds of major retail pharmacies across the country knowingly overcharged Medicaid and Medicare by overstating what their usual and customary prices were. If they did, they would be liable for triple damages.”

Supreme Court Looks at Whether Medicare and Medicaid Were Overbilled Under Fraud Law

NPR | Nina Totenberg | April 17, 2023

UnitedHealth Group beat Wall Street targets for quarterly profit and raised its annual forecast on Friday, as the healthcare giant banks on membership growth in its federal government-backed health insurance plans.”

UnitedHealth Expects Medicare Membership Gains to Boost 2023 Profit

CNBC | April 14, 2023

“[Former Senator Max] Baucus slipped an earmark into the ACA that provides Medicare coverage for the poisoned people of Libby [Montana], even as he arrested the proponents of single payer health care who asked to be heard in the Finance Committee hearing.”

East Palestine, Libby and Improved Medicare for All

CounterPunch | Kay Tillow | April 14, 2023

“The letters asked whether consumers would experience interruptions in their coverage in light of the ruling issued by U.S District Judge Reed O’Connor last month.”

Top Democrats Ask Health Insurers for Response to Obamacare Preventive Care Ruling

The Hill | Joseph Choi | April 13, 2023

“…doctors and insurance companies could deny treatment and payment if they feel the patient goes against their religious, moral or ethical beliefs.”

Florida Bill Would Give Doctors and Insurance Companies Freedom to Deny Care to Patients

NBC2 | Dave Elias | April 12, 2023

“The biggest changes will be for over-the-counter tests, which account for the vast majority of screening in the U.S. today.”

Free COVID Testing Will Fade With US Health Emergency in May

Associated Press | Matthew Perrone | April 11, 2023

“In dueling decisions last Friday, two federal courts issued conflicting rulings about whether one of the drugs, mifepristone, should remain available.”

Abortion Questions Intensify in US Courts, Legislatures

Associated Press | Geoff Mulvihill | April 11, 2023

“Without policies like paid time off for illness, American workers face a financial burden to the tune of more than $500 billion….”

Working Sick: Americans With Long COVID Struggle to Make a Living

Capital & Main | Larry Buhl | April 10, 2023



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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!