Weekly News Roundup for Apr 10, 2023


Action Alerts


New Documentary



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Breaking News in Healthcare Reform


Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on
health policy, Medicare for All & California



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[One judge] “overruled decades of scientific approval and put on hold federal approval of mifepristone,” [while another judge] “directed federal officials not to hinder access to the drug in at least 17 states where Democrats sued to keep the drug’s availability intact.”

Competing Abortion Pill Rulings Sow Broad Alarm, Confusion

Associated Press | Bobby Caina Calvan and Ken Miller | April 8, 2023

“The Biden administration’s final rule — which includes good technical fixes to the payment model but allows tens of billions a year in overpayments to continue — is a small step forward…”

Biden Just Took the First Step to Overhaul Medicare Advantage. Many More Must Be Taken

Common Dreams | Diane Archer | April 7, 2023

“…the health insurance industry launched a multimillion dollar lobbying campaign against the proposed changes, claiming the federal government was cutting Medicare funding.”

How a Lobbying Blitz Led to Weaker Medicare Advantage Reforms

The Hill | Joseph Choi, Karl Evers-Hillstrom | April 7, 2023

“…dismantling the filibuster is the ‘precursor’ to passing progressive priorities.”

AOC Says ‘A Lot’ of House Dems Would Cast ‘Disingenuous’ Yes Votes for Medicare For All If It Came to Floor Because They ‘Know That It’s Going to a Graveyard’ in the Senate

Business Insider | Bryan Metzger | April 7, 2023

“…U.S. healthcare spending totaled $4.3 trillion in 2021, or about $12,900 per person — an increase of nearly 3.0 percent from the previous year.”

Healthcare Spending In The United States Remains High

Peter G. Peterson Foundation | April 5, 2023

“Problems arise when patients cannot find local in-network providers and must either pay more for out-of-network care, if that’s even an option …, or travel farther for in-network care.”

The Big Squeeze: ACA Health Insurance Has Lots of Customers, Small Networks

NPR | Julie Appleby | April 5, 2023

“The proposal aims to reprioritize a significant portion of the state’s existing behavioral health system to focus on … the state’s ‘most acute challenge,’ which is the number of homeless people with mental illness and substance use disorders.”

California May Change Its Mental Health Funding. Why That Might Cut Some Services.

CalMatters | Kristen Hwang | April 3, 2023

“The health and happiness of our population being of the utmost importance, I make bold to propose to you that we establish a system to pay for health care in the United States of America.” 

An Immodest Proposal (for Excellent Financing of Our Health Care System)

Health Justice Monitor | James G. Kahn, MD/MPH | April 1, 2023



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