Weekly News Roundup: Aug 27, 2021



The week in healthcare reform


“To be ready and able to respond to the next pandemic … and to protect the economy, industrial capacity and capabilities must be expanded, used, and sustained.”

Expanding the Domestic Public Health Supply Chain is a Matter of National Security

Stat | Gary Disbrow, Ian Watson | August 26, 2021

“…this is an opportunity for California to lead the way on healthcare as it has led the way on combating climate change, as it has led the way on creating a higher minimum wage here in California,” said Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin.

Universal Healthcare for California Backed by LA City Council

Patch | City News Service | August 25, 2021

“Though there was of course a societal cost to develop and distribute vaccinations, the vaccines save the U.S. health system money in the longer run by preventing costly hospitalizations.”

Unvaccinated Patients Have Cost Health Care System $2.3B Since June

Benefits Pro | Alan Goforth | August 25, 2021

“…frustration over nurses dismissing her health concerns, echoes a reality that mothers, advocates and lawmakers say has helped fuel a maternal health crisis in the United States that disproportionately impacts Black women.”

A Crisis Within a Crisis

CNN | Nicquel Terry Ellis, Adrienne Broaddus | August 25, 2021

“Public health experts hope the change will convince more unvaccinated people to get the shot and spur more employers to require vaccinations.”

What Does Full Approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mean?

Associated Press | Matthew Perrone | August 24, 2021

“…the free market doesn’t work for health care. The price is hidden, so how can the consumer be price sensitive?”

Price Chaos at U.S. Hospitals

Health Justice Monitor | James G. Khan, MD/MPH | August 23, 2021

“…the ACO proposition has failed because it rested on a false premise….”

Accountable Care Organizations Don’t Cut Costs. It’s Time to Stop the Managed Care Experiment

STAT | Kip Sullivan, James G. Kahn | August 23, 2021

“…research has consistently shown that the majority of hospitals subject to the price transparency rule has not complied with all requirements since the rule went into effect January 1, 2021.”

NYT Slams Hospital Price Variation After Price Transparency Rule

Revcycle Intelligence | Jacqueline LaPointe | August 23, 2021



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