Weekly News Roundup: April 17, 2020


The week in healthcare reform 

Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. 

“…the way healthcare is financed in the US is exacerbating the overall harm of the epidemic.”

Profit over people, cost over care: America’s broken healthcare exposed by virus

The Guardian | Amanda Holpuch | April 16, 2020



Saving money and saving lives — at the same time!

How Medicare for All Would Fix Both Public Health and the Economy

Labor Notes | Mark Dudzic | April 16, 2020



Corporate media continues dishonest attacks on Medicare for All

Pandemic Doesn’t Stop Corporate Media from Crusading Against Universal Healthcare

FAIR | Joshua Cho | April 15, 2020



Insurers demand bailout; UnitedHealth enjoys $3.4 billion in profits, Q1 2020

Pining for Taxpayer Bailout, For-Profit Health Insurance Industry Threatens Massive Post-Covid Premium Hikes

Common Dreams | Eoin Higgins | April 14, 2020



Coherent? Collaborative? We wish! 

Why Is the Canadian Healthcare System Faring Better Than Its Counterpart in the US?

Open Democracy | Adam Almeida | April 14, 2020



Italy’s so-called “failures have very little to do with the public nature of the health care system, and very much to do with … a decade of austerity policies.”

No, Italy Is Not the Case Against Medicare for All

The Nation | Vale Disamistade | April 14, 2020



“… the United States’ healthcare system is so uniquely insane and unequal among developed nations.”

The Case for Single-Payer in a Pandemic

The New Republic | Libby Watson | April 14, 2020

“… for the first time in generations, an incredibly large swath of average Americans are… either without health coverage, or at extreme risk of becoming without coverage.”

Want Medicare for All? Here’s Your Baby Step

PolitiZoom | Joseph “Murfster35” Murphy | April 13, 2020



“… the ultimate lesson from this experience … will be in exposing … disparities.”

Health Care Expert: Post-Virus Future May Not Be Bright

Capital and Main | Alex Demyanenko | April 13, 2020



Prioritizing profits over total access to treatment is both an economic and moral failing.

Coronavirus is a Wake-up Call: Americans Need Medicare for All.

Talon Marks | Sean Davis | April 10, 2020



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 

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