Weekly News Roundup: Apr 25, 2022


Breaking News in Healthcare Reform

“‘Healthcare is not just about mending bones or dispensing pills. It’s about giving people peace of mind…’ said Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.”

CMS Aims to Eliminate Delays in New Medicare Coverage, Expand Special Enrollment Periods

Fierce Healthcare | Robert King   | April 25, 2022

“The credit reporting system should not be used as a weapon to coerce patients into paying medical bills they do not owe.”

Americans Often “Forced” to Pay Medical Bills They Don’t Owe, Feds Say

CBS News | Alain Sherter | April 20, 2022 

“At the facility’s ribbon cutting, Newsom expressed hopes of expanding on the laboratory’s mission to meet the long term needs of communicable disease response and research.”

California Will Close Its Central COVID-19 Lab, Cancel $1.7 Billion Contract with PerkinElmer

CapRadio | Scott Rodd | April 20, 2022

“Entities such as private equity firms and health insurers have been the primary force behind the acceleration in physician practice buyouts….”

Corporate Employment of Physicians Surged During Pandemic

Healthcare Dive | Susan Kelly | April 20, 2022

“Hospital and nursing facility consolidation leaves many underserved areas with inadequate or more expensive health care options.”

Larger, Less Profitable Hospitals More Likely to Have Ownership Change

Healthcare Dive | Hailey Mensik | April 20, 2022

“The US has the highest maternal mortality rate among industrialized countries. Since 2000, the maternal mortality rate has risen nearly 60%, making it worse now than it was decades earlier. More than half of these deaths are preventable.”

‘Birthing While Black’ is a National Crisis for the US. Here’s What Black Lawmakers Want to Do About It

The Guardian | Edwin Rios | April 19, 2022

“Congress did not renew emergency federal aid for some pandemic programs.”

Leaving Covid Safety to Personal Choice Will ‘Come Back to Bite Us,’ Ex-Obama Health Official Says

CNBC | Krystal Hur | April 18, 2022

“…parents and their children could be headed down different paths if their household income has risen even slightly.”

Pandemic’s End Could Surge the Number of Uninsured Kids

Axios | Adriel Bettelheim | April 18, 2022



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