Weekly News Roundup: Apr 2, 2021




Action Alerts!



Tell Governor Newsom to request the necessary waivers so federal funds can be used for a California single-payer plan!



Urge them to co-sponsor AB 1400, California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act. Thank them if they already have. 



We’re calling “Code WACK!” on America’s broken healthcare system. Find out why. 


To support our work.




The week in healthcare reform

“Kelley v. Becerra…seeks to take out several provisions of Obamacare governing which forms of preventive care — things like birth control or vaccinations or cancer screenings — must be covered by health insurers.” 

There’s a New Lawsuit Attacking Obamacare — And It’s a Serious Threat

Vox | Ian Millhiser | April 2, 2021

“… the new law’s expansion of the ACA made an additional 2 million Americans eligible for free or cheap coverage.”

Exclusive: Nearly 7 Million Uninsured Americans Qualify for Free Health Insurance

Vox | Dylan Scott | April 1, 2021

“Medicare for All also has the potential to serve as a massive wealth redistribution program to middle- and low-income families, a jobs creator, a promoter of unionization, a check on hospital expansion and consolidation for profit, and a way to connect other human rights struggles together.” 

Winning Medicare for All Would Have Massive Implications Beyond Health Care

Jacobin | Jonathan Michels | March 31, 2021

“In America, sickness makes you poor; poorness makes you sick; then you die.”

‘Outrageous’: 46 Million Americans Say They Would Not Be Able to Afford Healthcare If They Needed It

Common Dreams | Jake Johnson | March 31, 2021

“If it’s allowed to come into effect, the Trump Administration’s SUNSET rule would force public health officials to divert time, funding, and attention from the current crisis in order to prevent essential public health protections from unnecessarily expiring….” 

House Democrats Target HHS ‘Sunset’ Rule with Congressional Review Act

The Hill | Nathaniel Weixel | March 30, 2021

“…neighborhood-level data in three US cities highlights the racial and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 positivity, incidence, and mortality….”

Study Shows Deeper COVID Impact in Socially Vulnerable Neighborhoods

CIDRAP | March 30, 2021

“…we want to attribute everything to personal sin. We don’t want to recognize the social, economic, and cultural factors. The lack of good jobs. The lack of affordable medical care.

‘We’re a Sick Nation’: ‘The Hospital’ Author Brian Alexander on America’s Health Care Crisis

Rolling Stone | Stephen Rodrick | March 30, 2021

“…China and the U.S. were not among the signatories.”

Global Leaders Call for a Pandemic Treaty — But U.S. and China Remain Silent

CNBC | Holly Ellyatt | March 30, 2021

“We do not have time to waste. Recent events must spur us to action.”

To Achieve Mental Health Equity, Dismantle Social Injustice

Scientific American | Ruth S. Shim, Sarah Y. Vinson | March 29, 2021



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the Medicare for All movement.

We feature non-partisan, timely news and views on social and streaming media, and uplift the voices of those fighting for healthcare reform around the country. 

Our Podcasts shine a light on the failures of America’s healthcare system, while explaining how Medicare for All could help.

Our Media page offers connections to experts and additional resources including links to legislation and studies.

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Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!