To Boost Bottom Lines, Single-Payer May Be Just What These Restaurateurs Ordered

James Mark (center) sits at the bar in his restaurant Big King, along with cooks (from left) Oscar Lange, Emily Joslyn, Peter Kachmarsky and JC Kuvaszko. Mark employs fewer than 50 people, so he isn’t required to provide health benefits, but he does anyway because he thinks it helps with staff retention and is the right thing to do.(CHRISTINE CHITNIS FOR KHN)


Increasingly American businesses are recognizing that our health insurance system is not working for them or for their employees. The meteoric rise in insurance premiums plus the complexity involved with administering benefit plans commands too much time and money for some businesses.  Single-payer would vastly simplify the process for both employers and employees, leaving business owners to focus on their business.   — The HEAL Team


To Boost Bottom Lines, Single-Payer May Be Just What These Restaurateurs Ordered


Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente. This story also ran on NPR.



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