Why the Growing Call for Healthcare Justice Can No Longer be Ignored in Sacramento or Washington.
Song MD, Paul Y. (2017, September 28). Huffington Post
As the nation and especially California breathes a collective sigh of relief that yet another Draconian GOP repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) failed, it further illustrates just how vulnerable the Golden State remains to the legislative whims of Congress. Graham-Cassidy would have crippled California far more than any other repeal attempt by reducing California’s federal health funds by a staggering $139 Billion over a seven-year period.
Thankfully, due to a sustained unwavering opposition by countless Americans and healthcare activists, Mitch McConnell opted not to bring up a vote.
While only 20% of Americans supported the latest GOP bill, a majority of Americans now support Single Payer, commonly known as Medicare-for-all. In California, a poll conducted last May showed 70% support for SB562(California’s Single Payer legislation) and that 81% believe California should ensure every resident has healthcare.
As many GOP Senators could not ignore the immense public opposition, opponents of single payer in Sacramento and Medicare-for-all in our nation’s capitol should not mistake a GOP defeat as any indication of satisfaction with the current status quo. Instead, they would be wise to recognize the underlying harm, frustrations, and dissatisfaction brought on by our current dysfunctional healthcare system and the rapidly increasing power and demands of an awakened angry electorate.
Like the rapid evolution on marriage equality, there is an equally rapid sea change occurring with regard to Medicare-for-all. . . .
. . . It is through an unprecedented rise of individuals from different communities of color, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, and ages that have all come together to say enough and to demand far better. This new wave of healthcare activists has brought much needed diversity, energy, and passion coupled with a relentless attitude which has reinvigorated what had become a very stagnant ineffective movement.