The Jewish – And Black Lives Matter – Case for Medicare for All

99Club 7-9-20

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“For us, there is no shame in compassion and no honor in being ruthless.”


Opinion: The Jewish – And Black Lives Matter – Case for Medicare for All


Jewish Journal . Rabbi Robin Podolsky . July 6, 2020


In this op-ed, Rabbi Robin Podolsky examines healthcare and racial equity issues through the lens of Jewish tradition. Her analysis both teaches and reminds us that our moral obligations to each other as individuals also extend into the public sphere.


“The Jewish world has, for centuries, extended the lifesaving obligation beyond the individual…Our current lack of a national health plan puts persons of color and low-income people at particular risk. Just as we are obligated to raise our voices when Black lives are lost to chokeholds, this pandemic, in which lives are needlessly being lost because of an inadequate health care safety net, comes to teach us that Medicare for All is an urgent necessity.”


Rabbi Robin Podolsky serves on the Board of Governors for the Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din and advises the Jewish Student Union at Occidental College.




HEAL California’s Op-Ed project aims to elevate the voices of those seeking a healthcare system that works for everyone. 



HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that highlight the continuing failures of our broken healthcare system and elevate the voices of advocates and organizations fighting for change. 


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