Want to help win California Medicare for All? Join HEAL California by signing our letter demanding legislators pass the Healthy California Act. Visit www.Heal-CA.org/Take-Action now! — HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature […]
Tag: single-payer
Ever wondered what health care would be like if it were a public service and not a business? What if only you and your doctor decided on your care, not your insurance company? Had it with doctor networks, high deductibles and other hassles designed to […]
It wasn’t too long ago that Obamacare vs. Repeal and Replace were the only major political conversations surrounding healthcare. But a growing dissatisfaction across the country with healthcare delivery, insurance companies and drug prices has forced elected leaders and candidates to take Medicare for All […]
Sheila Kuehl, as a state senator and now a Los Angeles County supervisor, has long fought for a universal healthcare system. She is more convinced than ever that single-payer is the way to go for California. — HEAL California is an independent news and information […]
Private insurance companies are an absolute unnecessary middleman system that works only to constantly grow its profit margin as big as it can by redirecting premium dollars so they do not go to providing actual medical care. Every dollar it spends toward actual medical care […]
Correspondent and radio host Wendy Walsh battled sickness as a child, frequently visiting hospitals. But her parents never worried about the quality or cost of care. Guess why? — HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All […]
Would you really be surprised to hear that wealthy people live longer than poor people? Probably not. It’s almost predictable, right? But what if you heard that the gap in life expectancy between rich and poor people has been steadily growing since the 1970s? Yes, […]
Addressing inequality in healthcare is a cornerstone of Bernie Sanders’ 2015 presidential campaign. He has supported a national Medicare-for-All, single-payer type healthcare system for decades. In a 7/28/15 interview with Ezra Klein (Vox.com), he flatly states “Health care, to my mind, is a right of […]