Tag: Medicare for all

A second look at the Indian Health Service: A broken promise?

        THIS TIME ON CODE WACK!   In the wake of the recent presidential election, we’re revisiting one of our favorite podcast episodes from 2023 about the hurdles America’s Indigenous peoples face in accessing health care.  What’s being done to help elder […]

Will Project 2025 sink traditional Medicare?

                  THIS TIME ON CODE WACK!     What could another Trump presidency mean for the rise in Medicare private plans and what would that mean for patient care and financial waste in our healthcare system and […]

Buying studies, diluting messages: How health care companies use much more than lobbying to protect profits

With Congress set to debate “Medicare-for-all,” Tarbell examines efforts by health insurers to take over past health care reforms. By Michael Corcoran, Tarbell In January, dozens of new Democrats will enter the U.S. House of Representatives with their party in control. While their leadership has resisted […]

Gavin Newsom Is Bullish On Single-Payer — Except When He’s Not

Newsom’s backing for government-run, universal coverage has often been similarly bold, but other times it has been more muted, prompting conservatives to call him too liberal and liberals to label him too skittish. That dichotomy is likely a reflection of the political challenges he will […]

Politicians Hop Aboard ‘Medicare-For-All’ Train, Destination Unknown

That gives politicians and voters a few years to decide what they mean and what they want when they say they support Medicare-for-all or single-payer health care. For now, it’s hard to read too much into promises. Elisabeth Rosenthal and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health News […]

Medicare for All Would Improve Mental Health Field for Patients and Therapists

Introducing Stephen Vernon, our newest unsung hero of healthcare reform! This project of HEAL California highlights the hard work and dedication of individuals who are working – often in the background – to win Medicare-for-All in California and the nation. Stephen Vernon Stephen Vernon, a […]