THIS TIME ON CODE WACK! How is the Department of Veterans Affairs becoming increasingly privatized and what could this mean for those who have served and sacrificed for our country? Is corporate health insurance better than the VA […]
Tag: Medicare
THIS TIME ON CODE WACK! What could another Trump presidency mean for the rise in Medicare private plans and what would that mean for patient care and financial waste in our healthcare system and […]
Fact-checkers have repeatedly challenged these claims. Health insurance analyst Linda Blumberg of the Urban Institute told PolitiFact that suggesting Medicare-for-all would disrupt current enrollees’ coverage is a “horrible mischaracterization of the proposal.” Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” column noted that a leading […]
President Trump will say or do anything in order to help Republicans, regardless of the truth and regardless of who it will hurt. His latest is a noxious Op-Ed in the USA Today that focuses on healthcare, Medicare for All and his policies: “As a […]
Seniors are getting financially drained by excessive prescription drug price increases, and a congressional report released this week shows that the situation is unlikely to change anytime soon without fundamental change. The report, “Manufactured Crisis: How devastating drug price increases are harming America’s seniors,” exposed […]
Why on Earth do we need more IRS forms? Great question! It’s because most Americans have a mandate to obtain health insurance imposed by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Failure to comply means you might get penalized, so it’s important to have a way to […]
Lately the media’s full of talking heads who are busy “curbing our expectations” about what’s possible when it comes to healthcare reform. A lot of folks seem to think we’ve done it all! They say we just have to live with the fact that there […]
Addressing inequality in healthcare is a cornerstone of Bernie Sanders’ 2015 presidential campaign. He has supported a national Medicare-for-All, single-payer type healthcare system for decades. In a 7/28/15 interview with Ezra Klein (, he flatly states “Health care, to my mind, is a right of […]