Tag: California Medicare for All

As Healthcare Bills Fade, CA Medicare for All Movement Eyes Next Moves, Single-Payer Candidates

Months ago, California legislators unveiled a series of bills that they said would fix our broken healthcare system. They did this in the face of growing discontent by progressives across the state who wanted the Assembly to work on financing and implementing SB 562, The […]

Lily Tomlin Video: As Ernestine says, “Our prescription for it: Don’t get sick!”

Speaking for Controlled Healthcare Insurance Corp., the incomparable Ernestine tells a patient, “Life itself is a pre-existing condition. Our prescription for it: Don’t get sick!” That’s the only way to stay ahead of the insurance companies whose only concern is profits. As Ernestine says, “It […]

Increasing Claim Denials and Higher Premiums On the Way; Fundamental Change Needed

Denials of claims and increasing premiums are just the latest news California consumers have to look forward to. This is not hyperbole. The California Department of Insurance has opened an investigation into allegations regarding Aetna’s practices of denying claims. The insurance commissioner did this after […]

Lily Tomlin Video: Ernestine Says for Corporate Healthcare, Your Health Is Their Business, Not Their Concern

Ernestine is now at the claims department. Her favorite response: “Not covered. We consider that an elective procedure, meaning we elect not to cover it.” How many times have you heard, Not Covered! — HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on […]

Scott Wilson Video: Zombies May Be Terrifying, But Wait for That Medical Bill

The Walking Dead’s Scott Wilson wants to end Corporate Healthcare in California before the zombie apocalypse. Join him. — HEAL California is an independent news and information hub focused on the California Medicare for All movement. We feature non-partisan news, views, podcasts and videos that […]