Tag: Affordable Care Act

Is Medicare for All Hitting Maximum Political Velocity?

It wasn’t too long ago that Obamacare vs. Repeal and Replace were the only major political conversations surrounding healthcare. But a growing dissatisfaction across the country with healthcare delivery, insurance companies and drug prices has forced elected leaders and candidates to take Medicare for All […]

Trump’s wrong, you still need health insurance unless you’re exempt. Here’s the skinny on exemptions.

In spite of Trump’s announcement last month that “Obamacare is finished, it’s dead, it’s gone,” it’s not gone.  Nearly everyone is still required by law to carry health insurance.  That requirement is called the Individual Mandate and it was included in the Affordable Care Act.  The IRS recently announced […]

The ACA & Your Income Taxes: Exemptions

Did you go without health insurance for all or part of 2015? Maybe you’re exempt, meaning you don’t have to carry health insurance. If you aren’t sure, here’s an IRS exemption eligibility tool that can help! Not that we want people to go without health […]

The ACA & Your Income Taxes: Minimum Essential Coverage

Even though HEAL California would vastly prefer a Medicare for All-type system, we want to help everyone understand how the Affordable Care Act plays in to their income taxes. We’ve talked about Form 1095 Alphabet Soup which not only proves to the IRS that you had health […]

The ACA & Your Income Taxes: Calculate Your Penalty

So, you didn’t have insurance and none of the exemptions to the individual mandate apply to you? You may be subject to a financial penalty. And the fines keep going up every year. For example, the fines in 2015 are about double what they were in 2014, […]

Our Healthcare System – It’s a Killer

Would you really be surprised to hear that wealthy people live longer than poor people? Probably not. It’s almost predictable, right? But what if you heard that the gap in life expectancy between rich and poor people has been steadily growing since the 1970s? Yes, […]

Healthcare is not a Couch

Do you think that getting healthcare is similar to buying a commodity like, say, a couch?  You shop around, comparing options and costs. Cloth? Leather? Sectional? Chesterfield? And then you buy one? Does this really happen with healthcare? In my experience, no. There are lots […]